The peach, rich in nutrients and low in calories

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4 years ago

The peach is the fruit of the peach tree (Prunus persica). It comes from northern China, where the references to its cultivation date back 3,000 years, and currently has more than 2,000 varieties

This fruit is suitable for almost all consumers, has an excellent balance between nutrients and calories, has a refreshing and sweet flavor and offers great culinary possibilities.

Composition and nutrients

The peach has the following composition for every 100 grams of product:

  • 9 g of carbohydrates.

  •  1.4 g of fiber.

  •  89 g of water.

  •  Energy: 39 Kcal.

Small amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folic acid.

It also contains moderate proportions of carotenoids with provitamin A activity, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and cryptoxanthin, as well as other carotenoids without this activity (lutein and zeaxanthin).

The most abundant vitamin "is A, with an important antioxidant function, followed by C and folate." Of the minerals, “the most notable is potassium, very interesting for patients with high blood pressure. It also contains magnesium and calcium. "

Fiber is a relevant component "for its regulatory role in digestive functions, for its influence on the selection and settlement of intestinal flora and for the absorption of sugars and other nutrients that provide energy to cells." In addition, "it intervenes in the regulation of blood glucose and lipid levels".

Tips to fully enjoy this fruit

These three tricks can help us to take advantage of all the properties of the peach:

How to choose the best

Color turns from pale green to yellowish when peaches are on point. Its aroma is intense and its texture softer the more mature. The skin must be intact, without damage.

How to keep them

It is advisable to keep them preferably in the fridge or at room temperature only a couple of days to accelerate their maturation, taking into account that they dehydrate quickly.

How to consume them

The best way to taste them is fresh, washing them previously if they are consumed without skin and disinfecting them if eaten with it.

Who can take it and in what quantity

In terms of the recommended daily and weekly amounts, experts emphasize that it is a fruit that can be consumed frequently. "Fruits like peaches can be eaten at any time of the day and with a frequency that will depend on consumer preferences, without a limit beyond that set by common sense and without displacing other foods that are also key to a pattern healthy eating ”, explains Moñino, who recalls that the minimum recommended consumption of fruit is three servings a day.

People allergic to this fruit or to those of the Rosaceae family, those who have hereditary intolerance to fructose or malabsorption of this sugar and who should restrict fiber intake should avoid or limit, depending on the case. , especially the soluble or fermentable type (this is the case of those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease ”.

Despite its sweet taste and contrary to what is sometimes thought, the peach does not provide an excess of sugar, which makes it perfectly suitable for diabetics and people with obesity. "No fruit is better than another for people with diabetes, because what matters is the time of consumption, the preparation (whole instead of juice), the amount ingested and the foods that accompany it (in a meal, the effect on blood glucose is lower than if consumed alone), ”says Moñino.

However, as Gimeno points out, we must not forget "that peach in syrup is not recommended for diabetics and dried only in small amounts or in cases of hypoglycemia".

The dried peach contains a high amount of fiber (8.2 grams per 100 grams of food), so it is especially advisable in case of constipation. "It would also be recommended for those who require a quick source of energy (272 Kcal per 100 g) and recover potassium," adds the specialist. Therefore, it can be a good food "for athletes who have finished a training or test."

Beware of allergy

The fruits that are most frequently associated with allergies are those of the Rosaceae family; mainly peach, but also apple, pear, cherry, apricot, plum, strawberry and blackberry. In fact, people with a peach allergy tend to be allergic to other fruits in that family, too. The most characteristic symptom is itchy mouth, throat and ears.

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4 years ago


Peach is a fruit that is needed by everyone in normal quantity on daily basis if it can be afforded. The nutrients therein are very important to our body system.

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4 years ago