The carrao river

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4 years ago

Located on the western side of the Canaima National Park, southwest of Venezuela, Bolívar state.

In the Carrao river, waters from different tributaries are poured that strengthen it on its way, such as the Akanán river and the Churún that is born in the Auyantepuy, then the Carrao pours its waters into the great Caroní river.

El Carrao borders the Auyantepuy from south to north along its eastern face, it represents an important communication route between various indigenous communities in the area, it is also the obligatory route to discover the majestic Falls of Angel Falls, the highest waterfall of the world due to a series of steep terrain slopes along the river route, it offers several imposing landscapes represented in various causes, fast and real, which then form the Ucaima, Wadaima, Golondrinas and Hacha falls, which return to the The same channel to form and rest the Canaima lagoon, the same one that is adorned by a series of palm trees and its soft pink sand beaches.

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4 years ago


Yes it is very beautiful, a divine power to speak of Nature.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am also attached with one river! It is very close to my mind! Felt good by reading your are also welcome to read mine!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

this place is really nice..thanks for sharing us this article..the place is full of natural beuty

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This answers my question on your article about the angel falls. This looks like the amazon river.

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4 years ago