Monkey Frog or Giant Lemur Frog

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4 years ago

Within the thick Amazon rainforest hides a jewel of nature, it is the Monkey Frog or Giant Lemur Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor); an amphibian of considerable size, strictly arboreal and of nocturnal activity. Like most amphibians, their diet derives basically from insects, being of extreme importance in pest control.

In the rainy season couples can be found making a hug or amplexus (reproductive method used by anurans) very close to lagoons or bodies of water; males fertilize the eggs and protect them with leaves at a sufficient height where they cannot be preyed on (1.5 - 3m). Weeks later and partially developed, the tadpoles fall into the water to complete their development.

Amphibians are a fascinating group that deserves our attention and study; As the best bioindicators, they are a fundamental part of the natural balance.

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4 years ago
