Jumping Spider (Menemerus Semilimbatus)

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4 years ago

Menemerus semilimbatus is a spider about 4 mm male and 6 mm female, typical representative of the Salticidae family, that of jumping spiders.

 The body is dotted with shades of gray and light beige, except for the legs where these shades alternate in short stripes. In the forehead it has 2 large central eyes like the headlights of a car, 2 laterals and even 4 more minor eyes in the backmost position; it is understood that you can see in all directions simultaneously.


Large pedipalps covered in white hair and the clear triangle in the prosoma identify the species.

Like the rest of Salticidae, Menemerus semilimbatus does not build capture fabrics, it only weaves a small cabin in the crack of a wall.

Menemerus semilimbatus is often found on the exterior walls of buildings. When the spider mite detects an insect on its wall, usually a diptera, it moves very quickly, jumps on it, captures it and kills it by injecting venom through the bite with the chelicerae.

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4 years ago



$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is very informative and helpful as well too. Keep dropping in more

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I find spider interesting anyway!but I didnot have any idea about jumping spider..Thank you for this article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Spiders are very interesting insects. Waiting for more posts from you !

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4 years ago