Interesting curiosities of cats that perhaps you did not know

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4 years ago

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world and are famous for their short tempers and the urge to sleep curled up in your favorite chair. Perhaps they are less expressive than a dog, but no less interesting for that.

They are fascinating animals, experts in not leaving anyone indifferent with their sympathy and, above all, with their peculiar behavior. They are enigmatic animals that are a mystery to people.

Cats appeared on Earth before most of today's pets, however they have been one of the last to be domesticated. It is believed that they may have been domesticated about 10,000 years ago by the first farmers in the East and later spread to Europe.

Fun facts about cats

  • Except for newborns, who also meow to communicate with their mothers, adults only meow to communicate with humans and are capable of making over 100 different sounds.

  • When a cat rubs its body or head with someone or something, it is because it is marking its territory.

  • If a cat is turned face up, it means that it has confidence with that person, since in that position it could not defend itself from an attack.

  • A cat's range of vision does not include the area below its nose.

  • Cats greet each other with pink noses.

  • Cats have more bones than humans, they beat us by 24.

  • Cats have 12 whiskers on each side of their faces.

  • At birth, the vast majority of cats have blue eyes, which change color as they grow.

  • In England and Australia, black cats represent good luck.

  • Cats not only smell with their nose, they also smell with an organ called Jacobson's located between the nose and throat, at the top of the mouth. That is why sometimes they are left with their mouths open, thus assimilating odors better.

  • In general, purring can mean tranquility, but this is not always the case. They also purr when they are sick or scared and do it to reassure themselves.

  • The claws of a cat's front paws are sharper than those of its hind paws.

  • The brains of a cat are more similar to those of a human, than in the case of dogs.

  • They sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, but even asleep, they are always alert to any stimulus. In addition, they like to sleep with the bib resting on something, thus preventing something or someone from appearing behind them.

  • People who have cats live longer, have less stress, and fewer heart attacks.

  • Cats eat grass to clean their digestive system of any lint they have swallowed.

  • An average domestic cat lives 16 years, while a stray cat only 3 to 5 years old.

  • Cats like their food at room temperature.

  • Cats, over the years, become lactose intolerant.

  • Cats hate lemons, onions, vinegar, and virtually any citrus product.

  • Some human foods are toxic to cats, such as chocolate.

  • The cat's diet must contain a certain amount of fat since its body does not produce it naturally.

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4 years ago


The topic of the article was completely different. Usually we did not know so much interesting information about cats.

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4 years ago