Insomnia? What you must do to sleep through the night

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4 years ago

Not all people are lucky enough to sleep well, without waking up all night long and for many it is a nightmare not being able to fall asleep, since, during the day, they feel tired, irritable, their performance decreases, They stress more, and if that were not enough, it is proven that sleeping poorly or fewer hours than they correspond accelerates the aging of the skin, therefore, in this note we tell you 5 very easy tricks to sleep straight through the night.

Sleeping well is essential for our health, both physically and emotionally, and there are two important factors to have a good rest: the hours we sleep and the quality of sleep, but this depends on the needs of each organism and especially how old we are. Well, according to a publication by the National Sleep Foundation, in the United States, not everyone needs to sleep the same number of hours:

  • A 0-3 month old baby should sleep 14-17 hours a day

  • From 4 to 11 months you should sleep 12 to 15 hours a day

  • Children from 1 to 2 years old need 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day

  • From 3 to 5 years old, children should sleep 10 to 13 hours a day

  • Children from 6 to 13 years old need approximately 9 to 11 hours of sleep

  • Teens ages 14-17 should sleep 8-10 hours

  • Young people between 18 and 25 years need to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day

  • In an adult stage, between 26 to 64 years, you should also sleep 7 to 9 hours a day

  • And adults over 65 need to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day.

Now that you know how many hours you should sleep, with these tricks you won't wake up all night!

Drink a banana infusion to help you relax and sleep like a baby:

This powerful drink is an excellent remedy to combat stress and have a restful sleep, since, the banana contains potassium and magnesium, essential ingredients for the relaxation of muscles, veins and lowering the level of cortisol, also known as the hormone of stress. In addition, it is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, which is necessary to sleep well.

To prepare it you only need: a banana, a liter of water and if you prefer ½ tablespoon of cinnamon (I do add it because it favors digestion and blood circulation).

Once you have the ingredients ready, you must cut the ends of the banana without removing the peel, then add it in a pot with boiling water, once it breaks the boil, lower the flame of the stove and leave it to act for 10 minutes, after that time remove the pot from the stove, let it rest for another 10 minutes and then strain it, in the end add a pinch of cinnamon and 40 minutes before bed enjoy a delicious banana infusion, you will fall asleep.

Start sleeping on the left side:

On which side do you usually sleep normally? I was one of the people who had a hard time falling asleep until my mom passed me this wonderful tip and there is no night when I do not do it, because sleeping on the left side has these benefits: it stimulates blood flow, promotes digestion while you sleep and prevents reflux or heartburn, helps you wake up without feeling so tired, relieves back and neck pain. In addition, pregnant women should also sleep on this side to avoid stillbirth.

Use a pillow between your knees:

This trick is also one of my favorites because its effect is very fast and effective, when I do it it takes me between 5 and 10 minutes to fall asleep. By sleeping with a pillow between your legs you will release pressure and tension in the muscles of the lower back and hip, reduce stress, improve blood circulation in the legs and promote a restful sleep. In addition, sleeping in this way is highly recommended for those who suffer from low back pain, varicose veins or pain in sciatica.

Aromatherapy never fails:

Believe it or not, unconsciously the aroma of your room can make you feel uncomfortable and therefore you cannot fall asleep or rest the way you should. They say that the power of aromatherapy is incredible and that it is capable of defeating insomnia, I recommend that at night you light a candle with a scent of lavender or chamomile to relax your body and mind, this will allow you to sleep soundly without interruptions to have a restful sleep.

It is important that you extinguish the candles once you start to feel the effect of these scents, this will avoid any type of accident and you will sleep more peacefully.

Avoid sleeping at all costs with a stiff pillow:

When sleeping with a rigid pillow you run the risk of damaging your neck and it will be sore when you wake up, this is because when you rest, your pillow does not allow you to have an adequate angle when sleeping. The ideal is to have a pillow that provides good support to the head without being excessively soft, it must be soft, it does not accumulate heat and it is breathable.

A pillow can be chosen according to its material and the posture in which you sleep. These are the most recommended materials to sleep and rest well.

Fiber: They are comfortable, breathable and fresh, you can wash it without any problem to maintain proper hygiene while you are in the "arms of Morpheus".

Latex: They are soft and very pleasant, their composition ensures that they have adequate ventilation.

Viscoelastic: This type of material adapts perfectly to the shape of the head and is also heat-sensitive, that is, it provides perfect support to the head and therefore you will completely rest the cervical.

Now that you know the best tricks for sleeping straight through the night, apply them and fight insomnia today.

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4 years ago


It is certainly very hard for me to sleep everyday. As I am getting older,; y sleep cycles are getting shorter. I am unrested even after I wake up after 10 hours. Keeping the room dark and silent has not helped me at all. I hope to achieve a good and restful sleep soon or else it will get very hard for me to manage daily tasks. Thank you for this article. I will certainly try out this banana infusion. I happen to love cinnamon and fried chicken too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In this situation sleep is more important for us. During this lock down period we are getting very bored. So we need a good sleep to refresh your mind.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I always use a pillow below my knees. ☺ Nice article. It helps me to again remember the things about sleeping. In this quarantine many of us suffering insomnia.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Encouraging article.keep it mote

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4 years ago

This powerful drink is an excellent remedy to combat stress and have a restful sleep, since, the banana contains potassium and magnesium, essential ingredients for the relaxation of muscles, veins and lowering the level of cortisol, also known as the hormone of stress. In addition, it is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, which is necessary to sleep well.

To prepare it you only need: a banana, a liter of water and if you prefer ½ tablespoon of cinnamon (I do add it because it favors digestion and blood circulation).

Once you have the ingredients ready, you must cut the ends of the banana without removing the peel, then add it in a pot with boiling water, once it breaks the boil, lower the flame of the stove and leave it to act for 10 minutes, after that time remove the pot from the stove, let it rest for another 10 minutes and then strain it, in the end add a pinch of cinnamon and 40 minutes before bed enjoy a delicious banana infusion, you will fall asleep

Are you sure about this?

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4 years ago

Nice tips. Having a light dinner helps a lot to have a good night sleep. But in recent times people have started to ignore this basic tip

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4 years ago