How to take Aloe Vera?

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4 years ago

Aloe vera, also called aloe vera, is a plant that is part of the 250 species of medicinal plants of this type worldwide. It is possible to find it in desert regions, because its growth benefits from hot climates, as it is a succulent plant. This well-known plant has multiple properties and benefits for our body, both for health and aesthetics.

Aloe vera can be consumed in many ways, such as juices, teas or infusions, and even in small pieces or tacos to eat it fresh. However, it should be borne in mind that, on some occasions, it is necessary to resort to specialized help if you want to consume correctly.

Ways to take aloe vera

If you are wondering how to eat aloe vera, you should know that you can do it in many ways, such as:

  • Drink aloe vera juice.

  • Prepare raw and chopped aloe for salads.

  • Add the pulp to the sauces.

  • Take aloe vera capsules.

  • Drink it in syrup.

  • Make a tea or infusion with this plant.

In addition, you can take it at different times of the day. Here we clarify the two moments of the day to take aloe that generate more doubts.

Taking aloe vera on an empty stomach

You can benefit from all the properties of the plant regardless of the time of day when you consume it, but it is true that depending on what time, depending on whether you have eaten or not, among other aspects, you will be able to take better advantage of some of its properties or others .

Thus, it is convenient to take aloe on an empty stomach especially when the objective is to facilitate weight loss and improve intestinal transit or some digestive problems, as well as strengthen the immune system. With these goals, it is also usually consumed before main meals.

How to prepare aloe to take on an empty stomach? It is best to take it in juice or tea or infusion to avoid taking more food at once. After an hour, more or less, you can eat your breakfast or main meal normally.

Take aloe vera before bed

In the case of thinking about taking aloe vera at night, shortly before going to sleep, keep in mind that what will be most effective for you is to facilitate the digestion of dinner and, therefore, so you can sleep better .

In addition, having a glass of aloe juice in the morning and another before lunch and before dinner, always a good time before going to sleep, will help you lose some weight, because among other things, help you satiate yourself more easily.

How to make aloe vera juice

To make aloe juice follow these instructions:

  • Leave the leaves or leaves of this plant to soak for 24 hours. In this way, the aloin will come out, which you can see as a part of the yellowish gel, which should be avoided because it can be irritating.

  • After this time, wash the leaf or stalk of the aloe well to remove dirt and remove all yellowish remains. If you prefer, you can also disinfect it with food bleach or other similar products.

  • Cut the sheet into several pieces and also cut both sides and the top to separate the skin or bark and reach the pulp.

  • With the help of a spoon, remove the pulp from the aloe and put it in a large glass or bowl.

  • Blend the gel with water so that it has a more liquid consistency. The proportion will depend on how you like the texture of the juice, if you prefer something more dense add little water and if, on the contrary, you want it to be more liquid, add more water.

  • You can take it this way or you can add more foods to the juice that can be good for your goal.

How to prepare aloe vera tea

Another good option to take aloe vera on an empty stomach to lose weight, improve intestinal transit and also to have more energy from the first moment of the morning is to take it with a tea. You can prepare it with any type of tea, but we recommend green tea. To prepare green tea with aloe vera follow these instructions:

  • Have the aloe pulp prepared as we explained in the previous recipe, but do not liquefy it.

  • Prepare a green tea, either in a bag, in bulk or in powders.

  • When you have removed the tea from the fire, it has rested as necessary and is still somewhat hot, add the pieces of the aloe pulp.

  • Let it rest for about 3 minutes and you can take it.

If there are pieces of pulp that have not been undone, it is recommended that you also eat them. Another option is to make iced aloe vera tea. To do this, when you have the green tea ready, store it for a few minutes in the fridge, liquefy the pieces of aloe pulp and add the two ingredients in a large glass. If you want you can add slush ice to drink this very cold tea.

How much aloe vera should be consumed

To learn how to take aloe, it is necessary to know not only the most appropriate formats or recipes and the most recommended times of the day, but it is also convenient to know the recommended amount, because as with everything, it is not good to exceed. A suitable daily dose of aloe vera is considered to be between 50 and 100 ml.

If you choose to take aloe vera in capsules or syrup, always follow the indications of the doses and time of consumption that you will see on its packaging or those that have been prescribed directly by the doctor.

How long can you take aloe vera?

It is advisable to take the pulp of this plant, always in the general recommended dose or in the dose specified by the health professional who has prescribed it for us, for several weeks or a few months, depending on each body and state of health.

You may also be wondering "what happens if I consume aloe every day?" and the truth is that as long as the indicated doses are followed and a safe product is consumed, without aloin residues, it can be taken daily as we have indicated. On the other hand, it is not recommended to consume aloe every day for too long in a row, that is, for many months in a row, nor is it recommended to consume its latex, or a yellowish part that contains aloin, because its abuse can cause intestinal and kidney problems

What are the benefits of taking aloe vera

Aloe vera is perhaps one of the best known medicinal plants in the world. It is used for a large number of natural and homemade treatments. Many people believe and verify the value that its properties bring to the body. In this way, among the many benefits of aloe vera, we can highlight the following:

Aloe vera for digestive problems

This plant helps to clean the digestive tract, in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the organ. Also, it eliminates intestinal worms and stomach bacteria.

Aloe Vera to lose weight

Because it detoxifies the body and improves digestive problems, it can be a great ally to help lose weight. However, it is important to remember that it is not a substitute for good nutrition and a consistent exercise routine, but is just a good help.

Aloe vera for the skin

Aloe is one of the most commonly used plants for aesthetic skin treatments, thanks to its moisturizing and oxygenating properties. In this way, it supplies the cells with the oxygen necessary to revitalize them. Similarly, its pain-relieving and healing properties make it an antidote for stings, burns, wounds and scars.

Reduces stress levels

Consuming this plant can help reduce stress levels, nervousness and also improve your moods.

Improves the immune system

The gel found inside aloe helps to strengthen the immune system, thanks to all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that make it up. In addition, it alkalizes the body, restoring pH and strengthening the body's systems.

Prevents heart conditions

Aloe vera is also known for its ability to help prevent heart disease. Although not a substitute for medications, aloe vera is believed to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and improve blood circulation.

Aloe vera contraindications

Despite the fact that aloe vera is a highly beneficial plant for health, it can bring side effects to some people. In this sense, the use of this plant is contraindicated for the following cases:

  • People with diabetes: if you have diabetes, you should be careful with the amount of aloe you consume, since it reduces blood sugar levels and can cause hypoglycemia.

  • Stomach problems: if you are one of those who suffer from a stomach problem, you should consult your doctor if it will do you good to consume aloe in your diet, since it acts as a laxative, which is why it can cause abdominal cramps or diarrhea. Sometimes its high intake can trigger kidney conditions.

  • Pregnant women: its consumption is strictly prohibited in pregnant or lactating women. Neither should young children, as they are growing up.

  • Allergies: If you are allergic to legumes like garlic, onion or flowers like tulips, you have a high probability of suffering an allergy to aloe vera, for this reason, you should eliminate it from your diet.

  • People with degenerative problems in the gallbladder or liver: they should ask their trusted doctor how beneficial their consumption will be.

  • People with serious injuries: It is not recommended to apply it to burns or deep cuts, without having been approved before by a specialist. It should also be taken into account that, in some cases, the topical application of this plant on the skin can cause burning, irritation or redness.

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4 years ago


I really love this plant. At home, we eat out the gel-like insides as is. Tastes gross but it helps. Then we actually use this as scrubs for every body part

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, apart from its great healthy properties it is widely used in the cosmetology area.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes it is. I don't know about heating up aloe vera though. If the insides get exposed to a temperature higher than 40°C, the compounds that make it healthy degrades too much

$ 0.00
4 years ago