How to make money with Brave Browser. The fastest browser in the world

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4 years ago

How to make money with Brave Browser.

Brave allows registered users to earn money in four ways:

1. Deactivating the advertising blocker and observe the own advertising of the browser.

2. Randomly, receiving payments of between 5 and 7 dollars a month. This promotion is available to a few users and is done randomly. Anyone could theoretically access it.

3. Referring our friends, family and acquaintances to download the browser, register with it and use it at least 5 times in a month. Brave rewards us with $ 5 for the referred users who register and download the browser.

4. By registering our website, youtube channel, twitter account, twitch, vimeo and reddit on the Brave platform so that we can receive tips from browser users.

Once registered on the platform we can redeem or claim our money by creating an uphold account.

Download it here: Brave Browser

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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