Frog Tepuyana Guayanesa

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4 years ago

The order Anura represents a group of amphibians with approx. 6,600 species, many of them distributed in remote, difficult to access or highly fragile areas. In the Pantepui there are numerous forms nestled in this bioregion; many of them endemic. But what does the term endemic mean?

Endemism refers to the distribution of a taxon in a well-defined area within a relatively small geographical area and without connection to other populations anywhere in the world. This endemism is the result of biogeographic barriers such as rivers, altitude, habitat or the diversity of factors that make it possible to find it exclusively in that place.

These conditions mean that many organisms are affected by human interaction in areas such as cloud forests, mountain ranges, tepuis and high basins of great importance. The decline of amphibians is a fact and they are the main insect predators on our planet.

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4 years ago
