Coconut Water Properties and Benefits

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4 years ago

Coconut is the tropical fruit of the coconut palm and is, in addition, a food from which human beings have been able to get the most out of; This is because not only do we use coconut as an ingredient for various kitchen dishes, but over time we have made it the protagonist of a large number of products for the field of cosmetics and health.

Properties of coconut water

This interesting exotic fruit that quenches our thirst and is typical of coastal areas has excellent properties for our health:

  • Regulatory properties: having a large amount of potassium, coconut water is a natural regulator of electrolytes, which makes it a perfect household toxin remover.

  • Strengthening properties: thanks to its rich source of minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, coconut water has the property of strengthening the immune system, thus eliminating pathogens harmful to health. In addition, thanks to its high content of mineral salts, coconut water helps us strengthen our bones when they are growing.

  • Moisturizing properties: on the other hand, coconut water has incredible moisturizing properties, something that is due to its composition of sugars with isotonic effects. That is why coconut water is especially recommended for athletes.

  • Antioxidant properties: If coconut water is used primarily in the beauty field, it is due to its amazing antioxidant properties. These properties slow down cellular aging and therefore prevent premature aging.

  • Digestive properties: In the field of health, coconut water is used especially for its digestive properties. This is mainly due to the bioactive enzymes in coconut water, which contain acid phosphatase and diastase, among others.

  • Regenerative properties: due to its high content of vitamin A, coconut water has regenerative properties for vision, a sense that is widely affected by the lack of said vitamin.

  • Antibacterial properties: we come to one of the key properties to understand the popularity of coconut water. It should be noted that there are very few natural sources of lauric acid, from which coconut water derives these properties, which is why nutritionists recommend the moderate consumption of this ingredient.

What is coconut water for - benefits and drawbacks

To talk about the benefits and disadvantages of coconut water, we will start by introducing you to the most popular and beneficial uses of this product.

Coconut water for the skin

Coconut water can help you keep skin smooth and hydrated at all times, something that is due to its high content of vitamin C and folic acid, great regenerators of collagen. In addition, thanks to the cytokinins it contains, coconut water is also perfect for softening the skin and giving it a younger appearance.

As if that were not enough, coconut water is an incredible natural moisturizer (something that we must also thank for its high content of different minerals). If we take this into account, it is not surprising that many creams and ointments to improve the appearance of the skin contain coconut water.

Coconut water for hair

These moisturizing properties of coconut water are also the reason why this product is essential for the care of your hair.

If you want to give vigor and shine to your hair, coconut water is the natural remedy you need, because thanks to its high content of vitamins C and E, this product activates the collagen of the scalp and noticeably strengthens it in a short time. As if that were not enough, coconut water is the best ally of those with dry hair, since this remedy is capable of nourishing hair and keeping it moist for longer.

Coconut water for kidney and cardiovascular health

Did you know that coconut water is capable of eliminating toxins from our body? If you want to keep your organs strong and healthy, coconut water can help you achieve your goal. In addition, it is a product capable of preventing heart disease, since its high content of potassium and electrolytes help the cardiovascular system not to fail.

Coconut water for a cold

Coconut water is responsible for strengthening the immune system to prevent viruses and fungi. In addition, it is a great help to eradicate more quickly those that have already settled in your body.

Coconut water for the digestive system

We finish with one of the most popular coconut water benefits. This product is ideal for hydrating both children and adults in the face of diarrhea symptoms. This is due to the cocktail of enzymes that regulate the digestive system and that coconut water has. In addition, it is an isotonic drink also perfect for energizing naturally.

Coconut water is perfect to recover lost electrolytes, so before a very hot day or great physical activity, do not hesitate to prepare a little of this home remedy.

What are the disadvantages of coconut water?

Coconut water also has some contraindications and disadvantages, so keep the following information in mind:

  • It contains many calories: coconut water has the disadvantage of being rich in calories, since about 250 ml of this product contain up to 60 calories. Therefore, you must be very careful if you are trying to lose weight, since this ingredient could betray you. This does not mean that you should eliminate coconut water from your menu completely, but we do recommend that you consume it in moderation.

  • It contains high levels of sugars: on the other hand, and contrary to what many think, coconut water has quite high levels of sugars. A cup of coconut water could contain up to 7 grams of sugar, the equivalent of a tablespoon and a half. If you drink green coconut water, at which point the sugar level is higher, you could consume up to 16 grams of sugar in one glass, the equivalent of 4 tablespoons. It goes without saying that this can be very dangerous, so if you are diabetic or have hypertension, avoid consuming this product.

Coconut water: how to drink it

Now that you know what coconut water is for and what its benefits are, the time has come for you to discover how to drink coconut water to take advantage of all its properties.

Coconut water: how to drink it on an empty stomach

According to experts, the best time to drink this exquisite water is when you get up. When we are fasting, the body absorbs nutrients better in the body, so it is not surprising that the digestive system has a better functioning at this time.

In addition, drinking coconut water on an empty stomach ensures good performance throughout the day, since as we have said previously, it is a natural energizer. To make matters worse, coconut water is an extraordinary diuretic, so you can eliminate toxins through urine.

To drink coconut water on an empty stomach, we recommend a 100% natural preparation. Drink the coconut water at room temperature and do not add any additional components.

How to drink coconut water after exercising

Coconut water regenerates the lost electrolytes, making it an excellent hydrating and energizing drink. Because of this, many specialists claim that coconut water can easily replace artificial energy drinks, so drinking it after exercise (or even before) is a great ideal.

You can drink coconut water immediately after completing physical activity or during the day during the hottest hours. In this case, we recommend drinking natural coconut water after leaving it for a long time in the fridge or with some ice cubes to make it more refreshing.

How to drink coconut water to lose weight

This may surprise you, because as we have said before, coconut water contains enough calories and sugars that are unnecessary for the body. But don't let these characteristics fool you, as coconut water is a satiating ingredient that can help you lose weight quickly.

If you want to drink coconut water to lose weight, we recommend you drink a glass along with the diet foods you consume. If you want to obtain an excellent fat burner that helps you improve digestive processes, add lemon juice to coconut water and your drink will be even more powerful, as it will accelerate the metabolic functions of your body.

To lose weight with coconut water you can also consume a glass just before each meal, because this way you will feel more satiated / a and will reduce your appetite considerably.

How to drink coconut water to hydrate

During the symptoms of diarrhea, we recommend drinking plenty of coconut water. Due to the dehydration that a person presents when having diarrhea, it is recommended to consume 2 glasses a day and no more than 3 times a week.

If you want to create a most powerful natural home remedy, add a small teaspoon of baking soda to the glass of coconut water, as this will quickly reduce your symptoms.

In addition, coconut water is also the ideal product to take after a night of drinking, as it will help you reduce hangover symptoms such as the desire to vomit, headaches and dehydration. To make matters worse, coconut water will bring a refreshing sensation to your body, so you can get up after a night of partying without worrying about the annoying hangover symptoms.

This article is merely informative, we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis.

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