Chlorophyll Benefits and Properties

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4 years ago

Talking about chlorophyll leads to thinking about the close relationship it has with plants, since it is a green pigment present in vegetables. Chlorophyll is responsible for successfully completing photosynthesis, so its importance is essential.

However, the link between people and chlorophyll is very unknown, and it is that few know that chlorophyll has very beneficial properties for human health, as specialists have verified.

Chlorophyll: what is it and properties

It is a compound that is found mainly in plants, but also in certain algae and some bacteria. Its two main functions are to bring green to vegetables and, above all, to be in charge, along with light, of carrying out photosynthesis. It has a structure similar to that of blood in humans, although chlorophyll contains magnesium and blood iron.

The outstanding properties of chlorophyll are as follows:

  • Antioxidant: the high levels of vitamins A, C and E make chlorophyll a powerful antioxidant for our health.

  • Anti-inflammatory: the anti-inflammatory properties of chlorophyll make it an important substance in certain treatments, such as arthritis. It acts and combats the growth of inflammations caused by certain bacteria.

  • Detoxifier: if you are looking for home remedies that help oxygenate the entire body (blood and cells), you should know that chlorophyll is the perfect substance. Thus, we can say that chlorophyll improves the functioning of the organs.

  • Deodorizer: it should be noted that chlorophyll also fights bacteria in the mouth, promoting better breath.

What is chlorophyll for - benefits

Due to its properties, chlorophyll can provide you with a multitude of health benefits. At unCOMO we help you discover them.

Arthritis treatment

As it has been previously exposed, being an anti-inflammatory compound, chlorophyll is very effective to stop the increase of inflammations produced by different bacteria. This substance is especially effective for the treatment of arthritis.

Detoxification of the organism

Chlorophyll contributes to eliminate toxins and impurities from the body thanks to the purifying qualities it contains. In addition, thanks to this, it can also improve blood flow through our body. That is why taking smoothies made from vegetables can be very flattering for our body.

Facilitates digestion

This substance ostensibly improves digestions and facilitates the work of the intestinal flora. In other words, chlorophyll is very effective against constipation.

Improve sleep

Chlorophyll is usually recommended for those who have trouble falling asleep. This is because it is a substance with calming properties that help reduce nerves and some anxiety symptoms naturally.

Improves oral health

It is very useful to eliminate the bacteria present in the mouth, something that we must thank for the aforementioned deodorizing properties of chlorophyll. So, if you want to achieve fresh breath in a completely natural way, chlorophyll can be a good ally.

Bone strengthening

Chlorophyll contributes to the growth and subsequent maintenance of bones. Containing magnesium, this substance has a direct effect on our bones.

Oxygenates the blood

Chlorophyll oxygenates our blood, which means that it improves the transport of cells through our body. This clearly has very positive repercussions on the state of our vital organs, such as the heart.

Fights hormonal disruptions

Chlorophyll contains vitamin E that provides antioxidant properties, something that makes it a stimulus for the manufacture of male (testosterone) and female (estrogen) hormones.

Other benefits of chlorophyll that you should consider are the following:

  • It improves physical performance because it promotes toning and muscle relaxation.

  • Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

  • Contributes to preserve and improve memory.

  • Eradicate dandruff easily by applying it to the hair and with a subsequent rinse.

  • Being detoxifying, it facilitates the elimination of calcium oxalate stones.

  • Strengthens the immune system, being a great remedy for people who have low defenses.

How to take chlorophyll

Once you know what chlorophyll is for and what its benefits are, you will want to know how to take it. The easiest way to consume this substance, and the most recommended by nutrition experts, is by consuming green vegetables.

Taking this premise into account, the recommendation is to consume, among other foods, lettuce, spinach, parsley, arugula, watercress, chard, celery, peppers and asparagus. In addition, you should know that the raw consumption of these products is preferable to the cooked ones, since this way the original amounts of chlorophyll in a food are maintained. Our recommendation is that you include and vary these foods in your diet and mix them with fruit to eat smoothies for lunch.

On the other hand, if you wonder how to take chlorophyll and that it takes effect quickly, you should know that chlorophyll supplements can become your best allies. In herbalists and other specialized stores you will find chlorophyll powder, wheatgrass (wheat grass), liquid chlorophyll or chlorophyll capsules.

Contraindications to taking chlorophyll

You already know all the benefits of chlorophyll, however, are there any contraindications? There are two possible side effects that you should be aware of before using this product:

  • Stomach problems: by fighting constipation, chlorophyll greatly increases bowel movements. In this way, it can cause diarrhea and even dehydration.

  • Itching and irritation: This side effect can occur, especially if you use chlorophyll as a topical treatment. A misapplication or an excess of this product could cause irritations and itchy skin, so remember to be cautious with its consumption.

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