Canaima Marsupial Frog

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4 years ago

Marsupial frogs are a group of neotropical amphibians belonging to the Hemifractid family, in which 6 genera and more than 100 species are grouped. These anurans are characterized by their incredible reproductive strategies, where the females transport their eggs introduced into dorsal dermal cavities or attached on the back. A peculiar type of reproduction that is defined as direct development, where the offspring do not live a larval phase (tadpoles) because they do not depend on an aquatic environment for their development.

This nocturnal species (Stefania scalae) endemic to the Guiana shield, can be seen near waterfalls and waterfalls where the dew of these falls maintains an optimal temperature and humidity to fulfill its reproductive cycle.

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4 years ago


I used to play with frog while I was a child!! But knowing about frog is different thing! Thanks for the knowledege..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

very interesting creature. but i heard that there is a poisonous kind of frogs. is this one of them?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

True, there are several species of very poisonous frogs but this is not one of them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

oh alright, thanks for the informations and the clarification!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What a nice creature! God is wonderful by creating a lot of wonderful creatures.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In fact, this is zoology class. This creature is wonderful in the way it reproduces. Thanks for sharing it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This frog is really unique. I thought all frog became tadpoles first. Reading in this community brings me back to my high school days. Where we studied Biology.

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4 years ago