Benefits and Properties of Mango

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4 years ago

Mango is a tropical fruit with a very characteristic flavor and that has magnificent nutritional properties and benefits for our health.

Mango properties

The mango stands out for the set of nutrients and antioxidant substances found in its composition.


A single piece of 200 g provides the recommended daily amount of vitamin C (about 60 mg) and 60% of vitamin A, in the form of beta-carotene. Mango is one of the most important sources of this nutrient.


Although vitamin E, one of the most effective antioxidants and heart protectors, is usually found mainly in fatty foods, mango has an extraordinary amount in the case of a fruit. A 200 g piece provides 2.3 g, that is, 23% percent of the recommended daily amount.


Regarding its mineral content, the proportions of magnesium and potassium stand out (in both cases, a mango provides 10% of daily needs).


In addition to nutrients, mango provides other substances with beneficial effects on health. Tartaric and malic acids help counteract the effect of acidic metabolic residues.

Benefits of mango

The peculiar composition of the mango prevents degenerative diseases, especially heart disorders, cancer and diabetes (it is rich in carbohydrates, but does not provide as many calories as its sweet taste may lead you to think: 100 g contain only 65 calories with a good fiber dose).

1. Aids in digestion

Due to its high fiber and water content, mango provides the body with a group of digestive enzymes that help break down food and improve intestinal transit, avoiding stomach pain, as well as preventing constipation.

Did you know? Green mango is very useful to treat gastrointestinal problems. Eating one or two small green mangoes, where the seed is not yet formed, with salt and honey, has been shown to be effective in curing diarrhea, dysentery, morning sickness, chronic dyspepsia, and indigestion.

2. Improve eye health

Mangoes have an antioxidant called zeaxanthin that acts as a protector in visual health, as it is capable of filtering part of the blue light rays that damage our eyesight. In addition, it should be noted that eating several pieces of fruit daily is one of the protective factors against vision problems such as macular degeneration suffered by many elderly people. Also, the high vitamin A content found in mangoes is good for the eyes, as the vitamin can help prevent night blindness and dryness.

3. Prevents heart disease

The vitamin C and fiber present in mangoes have been shown to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, attacks on this organ and stroke. In addition, mango contains potassium and magnesium, associated with the regulation of blood pressure, keeping it within healthy limits.

4. It is an aphrodisiac

It is known as the "fruit of love". In addition to having a high content of vitamin E, which is worth it as an aphrodisiac, mangoes also have compounds such as the estrogen hormone, which helps regulate sex hormones and increase sexual stimulation.

5. It helps in diabetes

Both the fruit and the mango leaves are healthy. The mango, still unripe, should be consumed accompanied by yogurt to decrease the levels of sugar in the body.

6. Lowers cholesterol

This fruit contains a high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibers that help lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cells and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

7. Is a skin cleanser

The handles help to unclog pores and bring freshness to the face. This fruit can be applied to any type of skin. It also helps clean clogged pores that cause acne.

Did you know? Mangoes are one of the richest sources of beta-carotene. They contain 20% more than melons and 50% more than peaches.

8. Alkalize the body

Mango is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid, and chunks of citric acid, which in the first instance helps maintain the alkaline reserve in the body.

9. Aids in weight loss

This fruit contains many vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel satisfied. Also, as mentioned above, its fiber stimulates digestive function, which helps burn additional calories.

Did you know? Green mango is one of the best fruits to eat when we want to lose weight, since it contains less sugar than ripe mango.

10. Strengthens the immune system

The powerful combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and 25 different types of carotenoids keeps our immune systems healthy. These elements of the mango help to strengthen the body's defenses and make it impervious to bacteria and toxins.

Did you know? Mango contains the same amount of vitamin C as an orange. Take into account that if your skin is green it has more vitamin C, but as it matures, vitamin A increases.

11. It helps concentration and memory

This fruit is rich in glutamic acid, an important protein for concentration and memory. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children and thus help improve their performance.

12. Fight anemia

Being rich in iron, mango is ideal to prevent anemia, since this mineral is one of the bases that make up the blood. Women in the menopausal stage and pregnant women should consume mangoes, since it will increase their iron and calcium levels at the same time. As an added benefit, the iron present in mangoes is supported by its vitamin C content, which helps the body absorb iron more effectively.

13. Reduce kidney stones

The mango is rich in fiber, high in water and low in oxalates. Eating foods low in oxalates but high in water can be very helpful in preventing kidney stones.

14. Helps prevent cancer

The mango-containing compound called lupeol, a powerful antioxidant, has been shown to be an effective inhibitor of cancers such as prostate and skin cancers.

15. Supports healthy weight gain

Eating mango regularly is one of the most effective ways to gain weight quickly. The calories of this fruit can be easily absorbed by your body. In addition, mangoes contain starch that turns into sugar, which gives you completely natural energy.

16. Reduces signs of aging

Eating mango will help you have a healthy-looking face, while lightening and removing blemishes caused by sun or acne. This is because mangoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C and these are responsible for promoting collagen production.

17. Controls acidity

The mango is enriched with malic acid, tartaric acid and traces of citric acid; therefore, it maintains the alkaline reserve in the body and prevents acidity.

18. Strengthens bones

Vitamin K deficiency is related to the increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures, mainly because it supports the absorption of calcium necessary to keep bones strong. Mangoes provide this benefit since they are full of this vitamin.

19. Strengthens teeth

For children and adults to boast healthy and strong teeth, it is necessary to give them their daily dose of calcium and vitamin C, and the mango contains both elements.

20. It is good for the liver

The best benefit of eating green mango is its ability to treat liver disorders. Eating a piece of green mango increases bile acid secretion and cleanses the intestines of infectious bacteria.

Definitely, mango provides many benefits and nourishes us. As if that were not enough, its leaves can also be used. Choose mangoes every day from the fruits you eat.

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4 years ago


I’m craving mango from your article. It is expensive nowadays here it’s not on season that is why no mango 🙁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I’m craving mango from your article. It is expensive nowadays here it’s not on season that is why no mango 🙁

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4 years ago