Beer, is it really healthy?

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4 years ago

Do you have doubts about the virtues of the queen of the summer days? There are data showing that beer is not fattening (it provides few calories and does not contain fat), and that its moderate consumption has health benefits.

Beer is a fermented drink, with a low alcohol content (between 4º and 7º), made with natural ingredients -water, barley, yeast and hops-, and which also contains numerous nutrients, such as B vitamins (especially folic acid) ), minerals (magnesium, potassium, silicon, calcium), polyphenols and fiber, among others.

Since its discovery, beer has served as wages, food supplement, offering to the gods and object of commerce to numerous civilizations and, despite having been pointed out as the culprit of the so-called "beer belly", its caloric content is actually low –About 45 kcal per 100 ml–, and it does not contain fats. Even more so if we bet on non-alcoholic beers, or even craft beers, which you can make yourself at home without preservatives or additives.

Since when do we drink beer?

This refreshing drink, much more palatable when the heat hits, has centuries of history, and around 6,000 years ago it was already taken by the Sumerians who, at first, used it for medicinal purposes. Later its consumption spread to Egypt, where it became the national drink, and from there to other countries in the Mediterranean basin. The Egyptians, in addition, introduced some modifications in its elaboration, including new ingredients and making its flavor more pleasant.

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4 years ago


I believe what causes the bloating is the sugar content in beer since it has such a high sugar content

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Interesting, but I think the culprit for big abs among consumers is barley

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That and hops

$ 0.00
4 years ago