Who's to be blamed? Celebrants or Management?

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3 years ago

A few weeks ago, Raymond Gutierrez celebrates his 36th Birthday at La Picara Restaurant, Taguig City while Tim Yap celebrates also his birthday at Camp John Hay, Baguio City. Both celebrities are on the hot seat as netizens around social media burst out their anger, and even me, while we are in the middle of the pandemic as for the government, is still monitoring cases of the new coronavirus variant.

Images circulating the internet shows the celebrant's guests gather without distancing themselves as they wait for Mond to blow the candle, with the caption "Happy Birthday, @mond! Note: everyone was PCR tested!" In Tim's case, as he defended himself and from his statement that all attendees took their PCR tests, all of them were negative and it is for promoting Tourism in the City of Pines. Both events were mask-less (except for the performers on Yap's birthday) and didn't follow safety measures.

Mayor Lino Cayetano orders the closure of La Picara Restaurant after Mond's celebration, while The Manor at Camp John Hay was given a penalty of P9,000 ($187.32) and attendees need to pay P1,500 ($31.22). As netizens went on total outrage to both events, this shows how incompetent these people are without understanding the current situation of the country. Are these guys imitating the Mañanita King - Debold Siñas? Now that Tim defended himself, even the Mayor of Baguio, it's time for Raymond to man up his balls as of this moment he hasn't shared his statement on this controversy.

"Happy Birthday and congratulations to Mond Gutierrez and friends for singlehandedly defying COVID restrictions and now shutting down La Picara Manila - which will most definitely result in people losing their jobs. Guess you can get away with anything when you’re rich and famous! Anyway, how was the party?"

The caption above was a post from De La Salle University-Manila Secret Files, click/tap here to view more,

Remember that thousands or even millions lost their jobs when the pandemic started. Until now, everyone is fighting on the same line to survive, unlike for these people living the high life and didn't care about the current situation we're facing today. Proving that you're negative on your PCR test shows that you're not carrying the virus, then what would happen if the people you're hanging out with or even you will be tested positive? A virus incubates the host for a few days until it will show its symptoms. Also, these events could lead to a super spreader. For the management, they should have worked with the local government to limit the number of people for any establishment to prevent the spread of the virus, and safety measures must adhere at all times.

For me who's to blame for these incidents? The celebrants. They encourage them to invite their friends without even following the safety protocols. As the list goes on of controversies during the pandemic: from Sen. Pimentel aiding his wife to Makati Medical Center without his knowledge, he was tested positive as he violates the health protocols, to Debold Siñas Mañanita. Justice is indeed for the high class in the Philippines, but this system must be stopped. No one is above the law, and hoping that the people who lost their jobs at La Picara would rise again, and for the celebrants? How was it after you celebrated your parties?


Lead Image from https://filipinotimes.net/entertainment/2021/01/26/netizens-express-outrage-over-tim-yap-raymond-gutierrez-parties/




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