Military Coup at Myanmar

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3 years ago
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On November 8, 2020, general elections were held in Myanmar as the Burmese people vote for their country's future. The election took place within the pandemic, including the conflicts of the Rohingya people. The National League for Democracy (NLD) and the party's bearer Aung San Suu Kyi won a landslide result from other political parties.

When the United States declared its new leaders as for its previous leader encouraged its followers to storm the capitol so they can disrupt the Electoral College votes. In Myanmar, it was different. Yesterday, military officials under the Union Solidarity and Development Party staged a coup d'état and they refuse to accept the results claiming it was a fraudulent election. As they patrol roads from Naypyidaw, while in Yangon as residents rushed to stock up their daily essentials. Long lines coming from stores to ATMs & Banks. Telecommunications, the Internet was down except Wi-Fi & Fibre Connections. Local & International Channels are down too as they're about to be disconnected from the outside world. Suu Kyi and other figures of the NLD were detained by the military following a series of raids, but they cannot tell where are they being held at. Curfew is now implemented from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am (Myanmar Time), and the military declares a state of emergency for 1 year, as for Mother Suu encourages her followers to protest against the military.

Aung San Suu Kyi, currently detained by the military including her other colleagues of the NLD.

Looking through the country's history, yes it has a rich history from its previous kingdoms until it became a colony by the British Empire (1824-1948) and declared independence on January 4, 1948. On March 2, 1962, General Ne Win staged a coup d'état and it was ruled by a military dictatorship for nearly 5 decades (1962-2011) as they turned it into a socialist country. Throughout this period, there was a series of protests and civil unrest, but on August 8, 1988 - known as the 8-8-88 Uprising as students, monks, and ordinary Burmese people protested against the government. This is where Aung San Suu Kyi emerged as an icon to her people, and it also happened previously where her party won the election in 1990 by a landslide, however, the ruling party refused the results and continues to rule Myanmar.

That changed in 2015 when the NLD and Suu Kyi led the country after being free by the military junta. When they're about to begin their second term on Monday morning, History repeats itself as Myanmar is going to be placed under military dictatorship again.


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3 years ago
Topics: 2021, Blogging, News, History, World, ...
