Kristallnacht comparison to the Capitol riot

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3 years ago
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As the whole world watches on the attack at the US Capitol, one public figure shared his thoughts comparing an incident that happened decades ago, and how he compares it to the current attack on Washington, D.C, including his experiences in Austria. Former Governor of California, action star, Mr. Universe & Mr. Olympia bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger shared his thoughts about what happened on the attack, and valuable lessons about democracy. Here's the full video below.

That tragic night was called Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass, also known as the November Pogroms). It was a night full of rampage against the Jews carried out by the Sturmabteilung, and civilians from November 9 to 10, 1938. It is also a protest of the fascist regime where diplomat Ernst vom Rath was assassinated in Paris, France by Herschel Grynszpan. Jewish homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, and synagogues were demolished and ransacked with sledgehammers.

As outgoing Pres. Donald Trump addresses his supporters to storm the capital, claiming that the result was a fraudulent election his supporters walked through Capitol Hill, break down security, smashed the doors and windows, then intervene with the Electoral College votes but it was not successful as the Capitol issued a lockdown, and all officials were evacuated to a disclosed location. President-elect Joe Biden addresses the nation that it was an unprecedented assault. While Trump with his pre-recorded video praises his supporters and their efforts after the attack.

There were comparisons with both events, from the Night of Broken Glass, it was chaos since the motive of the protest was a diplomat was gunned down by a Polish Jew. While the 6th of January attack, the most powerful leader encourages his followers to ransack America's temple of democracy. Arnie told that the Proud Boys were compared to the Sturmabteilung of the 3rd Reich, as they smash every door, every window, and brawl with everyone who's standing in their way. Trump was a failed leader, his followers were misled to lies, and just like every soldier serving after World War II.

At the very end of his video, he shows his sword used in his live-action movie in 1982 titled Conan the Barbarian, the sword is just like an example of democracy. The job of a blacksmith is to pound the sword in shape, heat it in the fire, then thrust it into the cooling water. As the blacksmith repeats this process, it will turn out to be a strong and firm sword. The more you temper a sword, the stronger it becomes. With his example, democracy is compared to the sword. It is tempered with wars, injustices, and insurrections, but the sword of democracy still stands strong. He asks his viewers and doesn't matter with their affiliation in support to President-elect Joe Biden, and everyone those who want to destroy their way of life. His video reached 4.7 million views.


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