Day 29 - New Beginning

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3 years ago

December 14, 2020. Woke up around 7:00 am, then started the usual breakfast. After taking my breakfast, I started to make arrangements with my new room but there's a change of plan. My nephew doesn't want to move out yet since the original plan is we'll both be in this room, but he'll change his mind eventually since he is also helping his father's family business.

Let's take a tour of our new home. Here's the front yard, which a fence is already placed so our dogs would not wander somewhere around the neighborhood. The mini-grocery store to our left is only a few paces away. To the right is where the owner stores his goods, from soft drinks to alcoholic beverages.

Here's the first floor which is my mom's workshop.

Here's my room, and here's the new setup around my room. So, my workstation is improvised consists of multi-boxes, and I need to invest in a good quality desk and upgrade my station.

The other room is where my mom sleeps and her associates.

If you walk along this road, there's a bakery, a mini-market after passing through the gate, and a few mini-stores around.

I started to study around the map on our new location, the nearest ATM from here is just an 8-minute walk. The best part is there's a convenience store once you head out to the gate. The mode of transportation is very accessible from Jeepneys to Tricycles. Instead of going to the terminal back to DasmariƱas, I'll head to The District, drop off from there, and wait for a bus going to Manila.

My mom celebrated her 61st Birthday a week ago, so we surprised her with a cake and her only wish is to make our business go forward and everything go back to normal. In just a few more days, I'll be heading back to Manila and will show you the current situation just like I did when I visited Makati & Pasay City.

$ 0.38
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @charmingcherry08
Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago
