Day 16 - Hello, December!

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Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And still, we're in the middle of the pandemic. Well, people are now starting to go out even if there are new reports of cases, of which, only a few hundred people are getting infected. Most of them are asymptomatic or could lead to critical conditions.

It's the last month of 2020, and what are the things you get hyped on this Christmas? New clothes, accessories, toys, games, food and songs about the holiday season like this. Before anything else, stand aside Mariah Carey!

I'm getting annoyed every time her song plays on the radio, even on malls, parks, I mean, everywhere. How about John Lennon?

How about covers/renditions like these?

For us Filipinos, no one beats Jose Mari Chan. The Christmas Jukebox King. I grew up listening to his songs. Every holiday season, his songs can be played everywhere.

With the pandemic, I guess only a few people will hang around in the places we usually celebrate this month. Now, our government is keeping an eye on any mass gatherings, and hopefully, they will lessen the quarantine restrictions. Currently, the Philippines is still under lockdown, gradually things are now going back to normal, and the numbers are getting low for newly reported cases. We're getting close to flatten the curve now, and as I said before, everything will be back to normal.

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Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago
