Day 14 - Reflect

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Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago
Topics: Diary, Blog

November 29, 2020. It's been 2 weeks since I left the company, and started to dedicate my time on this platform not just to earn money, but also to express my own opinion, and to show the other side of mainstream media that doesn't include on their news.

On this day, I remember we beat Malaysia during the 30th SEA Games last year. Same venue, same results, but the spirit lives on 29 years ago. You can visit my article by clicking or tapping here to read more.

Yes, it was a memorable night that I will never forget. From all the football matches I've witnessed both from our local league, and the national scene, this is the moment that I will tell the new generation and my future children how we became kings for just one night.

Aside from that, I am beginning to reflect on what I've done weeks ago. I know that I left because I don't want to get stuck on a desk job 8 hours a day doing the same thing, every day. Still, we're in the middle of the pandemic and only a few companies would offer those who are willing to work on-site. The road for me is going to be tough, but I have overcome all obstacles. And I did this previously with my 1st job before the pandemic, because I was desperate to shift my career to a different path. I learned my lesson back then, but I don't want to make that happen again.

$ 0.59
$ 0.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @ico
Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago
Topics: Diary, Blog
