Dagohoy Revolution

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3 years ago

Before the Cavite Mutiny of 1872, in the Visayas region at the island of Bohol. January 24 (Yesterday). The year was 1744. It marked the beginning of what was known to be the longest rebellion against the Spaniards for 85 years. The Boholanos experienced the same things as they did to the 8 provinces of Luzon: oppression, forced labor, tax collection, and injustices.

How the Revolution started?

Father Gaspar Morales, a Jesuit priest assigned at the district of Inabangan. He gave a task to a constable named Sagarino Dagohoy to arrest a man who abandoned his faith. Sagarino was killed, Francisco (Sagarino's brother) brought his corpse for proper burial, but Morales refused to bury Sagarino. The reason is he died in a duel and this was prohibited by the church.

Francisco Dagohoy, who started the revolution against a Jesuit priest.

Francisco was angry, became infuriated at the Jesuit priest, and wants revenge by encouraging his fellow men to rise up. The signal of the uprising of January 24, 1744 - they took down Giuseppe Lamberti, an Italian Jesuit curate of Jagna, Bohol. Francisco takes down Morales afterward. Dagohoy and his followers trekked the mountains as he built his headquarters between Inabangan and Talibon. They organize raids on the lowland towns, assault Spanish garrisons, looting churches and kill every Spaniard along their way, including Jesuit priests.

The Aftermath?

Miguel Lino de Espeleta - Bishop of Cebu tried to escalate or calm down the tensions between the rebels, but that didn't work when Bishop of Manila Juan de Arrechedera and acting Governor-General sent an expeditionary force, but they were defeated by the Boholanos. He declared independence on December 20, 1745, and established the 1st Bohol Republic. 3,000 men joined the revolution until the numbers rose to 20,000.

Numerous Governor-Generals tried to take down Francisco Dagohoy like Gasper de la Torre (1739–45), Juan Antonio Martínez (1822–25), and Mariano Ricafort Palacin (1825–30) with the help of Jose Lazaro Cairo (Alcalde-Mayor) 2,200 Filipino-Spanish troops under their command invade Bohol on May 7, 1827. The Boholanos fought back, but Cairo failed to crush the rebellion. Capt. Manuel Sanz and his expeditionary force landed Bohol In April 1828. A year later, he subdued the Boholanos putting an end to the revolutionaries on August 31, 1829. A total of 19,420 survivors were pardoned by Governor-General Ricafort and they were allowed to live at the lowlands as their new villages.

Francisco Dagohoy died before the fall of the revolution of 1829. He died peacefully from old age & sickness instead of being killed at the hands of the Spaniards. They suffered discrimination & injustices at the hands of the Spaniards. They were free and didn't render forced labor or pay tribute. If this happened in Luzon, then we should have broken sooner our chains with our colonial masters back then.


Lead Image from https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Dagohoy_rebellion



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3 years ago
