Undertake from scratch in Venezuela: PanXCafe | HELP ME TO PROMOTE THIS PROJECT.

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4 years ago

Starting a business should not be easy anywhere in the world, and do it from scratch much less. But doing it in the country with the highest hyperinflation in the economic history of the planet, with a high index of product shortages and general impoverishment of the nation, I tell you: it is truly brave.

I have decided to undertake once and for all, because if not, I would be doomed. Condemned to survive with a salary that is not enough at all because every three days any product is worth double and my salary remains the same. Therefore, condemned to be a true slave of mediocrity.

It is that, really, undertaking in Venezuela is a matter of survival, because being a self-employed person also does not bring many luxuries, you only live what is necessary and keep the business bypassing the attacks of hyperinflation with many tricks.

PanXCafé: A project from the heart.

I am a young cook, I came here for all those turns that life gives, and that's how I discovered a passion. Also, I consider myself a maker, I love being active doing any type of task. However, I am a little hesitant when choosing what to do first. For which I thank God, that in those turns of life I met a woman who has given the necessary impulse to carry out this project.

In Venezuela a bakery movement is emerging that aims to recover the bakery taken away by the crisis caused by the current government, because, before it was very common to go to a bakery at 6 in the afternoon and buy “French bread” (but the Venezuelan) to dinner, go for a "piñitas" (a type of sweet bread) for coffee at 4 in the afternoon, or a good Venezuelan "canillas" (baguettes). These delicacies have disappeared from the menu of ordinary Venezuelans, both because of the shortage of wheat flour and its high prices.

Currently, bakeries in Venezuela are picking up the pace of production, because the number of breads you can buy is no longer rationed as it once happened. But, this rhythm has not been accompanied by maintaining the tradition of Venezuelan bread. This is an industrial bread, knows well that it lacks identity.

That's where PanXCafé comes in, we want to recover with that other number of Venezuelan artisanal bakers to recover the identity of bread in the palates of short-memory Venezuelans and so that those who have not forgotten stop feeling nostalgic. Thus, we are from a small apartment, with a homemade oven and with our hands in the dough we make traditional and tipic Venezuelan bread for Venezuelan palates.

I come to ask you if you want to help us fulfill this dream, this undertaking that is increasingly taking shape. Our goal is $ 3000. Really, we are putting all our heart and hope. The idea is to recover the Venezuelan bakery that hyperinflation has banned so many Venezuelans. That is the idea, to make traditional Venezuelan artisanal bread.

$ 1.00
$ 1.00 from @Kun
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4 years ago


Es posible que te puedo guiar/aconsejar en este camino. Mándame un correo me@georgedonnelly.com

$ 0.00
4 years ago

orgedonnelly.com Gracias amigo. Ya te escribi desde mi correo. Saludos.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Está muy bien trabajar con la panadería artesanal, en todas partes del país se ven y están trabajando.

Ahora déjame ver si entiendo tu punto sobre el token migas; ¿ quieres decir que cuando la gente tenga una cantidad específica de migas, por ejemplo 2 migas las puede cambiar por un producto de tu panadería que tenga ese valor?, si es así entonces es como usar cualquier otra moneda crypto para pagar bienes o servicios.

Me gustaría saber más sobre migas, te deseo éxito.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hola Victoria! Siii de eso se trata, pero no es un cripto, es un token que seria intercambiale por los productos de mi panaderia. Solo las puedes obtener comprando ahi. Aunque por ahora no estoy trabajando. Mira uno de mis ultimos articulos!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good article it is..keep writing more..hope you can fulfill your wishes

$ 0.00
4 years ago