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4 years ago

Thousands of articles are written daily on the internet. Many of great content and are totally ignored. It is normal for this to happen but it seems so unfair to me. I wrote this article two years ago on Steemit. As I wrote it, I was so sad and angry about the war situation in Syria. Which has gotten worse and has been forgotten. I have translated it for you.

The Tomb of Olives: 7 years of the War in Syria.

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The atrocity of war leaves deep wounds for those who suffer it. For those who have not lived in the terror caused by the stunning of the bombs, the fearsome sounds of gunfights, buzzing of bullets, the horror of seeing and knowing people killed by the fighting, it is difficult to imagine the depth of the traces marked in the humanity of civilians, especially children.


Recently I was able to feel deep sadness, and an enormous amount of mixed feelings thanks to an animated film produced by the great Studio Ghibili, directed by Isao Takahata, called "The Grave of the Fireflies". This film tells the story of two brothers (Seita and Setsuko) who must survive in the Japan of the Second World War.

It is hard to believe that animated films can raise awareness on a subject as delicate as war, the grave of the fireflies is not the first that has managed to touch my sensory fibers, I also remember Persepolis, an Iranian animated film with great political and social content narrated with very good humor, tragedy and suspense. However, the grave of the fireflies has the ability to depress anyone. It is a totally recommended movie.

7 years of War: A lost generation.

At the end of the film one of the first things that came to mind was the war in Syria. It has been bloody for its complexity and violence that also does not seem to have an end. In it more than 500 thousand people have died (graphically it is as if they were devastated with 6 Santiago Bernabeu stadiums), those who have suffered the most from this war are the children, the Syrian childhood has lost a whole generation. According to UNICEF data, there are currently some 8 million girls and boys affected, both inside and outside Syria. In addition, an estimated 5.3 million girls and boys need humanitarian aid in Syria, of which almost 1.4 million cannot receive it because they reside in hard-to-reach or besieged areas.

The Syrian conflict is a real shame for Humanity and has been a Judge for international organizations. Shame for humanity because we citizens of all regions have done nothing to demand and stop so much suffering, the planet remains indifferent to so many conflicts, we only know how to complain about our own problems and judge others for their own, this has made us led to leave the task of peace in the hands of world leaders and organizations but they are subject to the power of Money, beyond believing that the Syrian conflict is about the fight for the freedom of a people or the establishment of the Islamic regime or The fight against terrorism is evident as all the parties involved are profiting from the suffering of the Syrian people. International organizations seem like a great hall where world leaders go to blame each other while the war continues, making any attempt at peace futile.

Personally, I believe that the most effective way to achieve an end to war and all wars is by leaving indifference, we must be responsible for all lives and life on earth. To vehemently demand of those involved an absolute end and at once to the war.

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Link to the original article of my authorship.

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$ 0.58
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4 years ago


On Iraq and Syria. Translated by me into english.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are from steemit too? It is hard to get a view for an article even though we took the time to write it. If we are not at the top already, it will be hard work just to get noticed. Compare to steemit, here in they seem to be only giving tips if they like the content. No auto vote or bot notice yet, but there are spammers.

regarding your article about war, I do not like war and those people who use those who affected by the war to gain income for their own. Scamming everyone for donation.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is true, Steemit is very difficult to do alone. However, if you interact with other people and groups it is likely to get votes and also from content curation groups. But I feel like I'm wasting my time there. I like Read.Cash better.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I still continue on steemit because of the possibility to get more but now I spent more time here in The earning here seem to be more fair compare to steemit which have auto vote system.

$ 0.00
4 years ago