The day I earned a Bitcoin (BTC) in Venezuela.

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4 years ago

As the title says, on August 23, 2019 I earned myself a representative Bitcoin currency. Hahaha. It does not have the value of a Bitcoin. But it represents a lot for me and surely for all Cryptocurrency and Blockchain enthusiasts.

Yacambú University (Cabudare, Venezuela) presented the Conference "BlockChain, Cryptocurrencies and Disruptive Technologies", given by Dr. Benito Hamidiam (Dean Faces Univ. Carabobo), Econ. Robert Parga (Dir. School of Economics Univ. Carabobo) and Ing. Carlos Moreno (Prof. Postgraduate Faces Univ. Carabobo); which had the presence of the university authorities, administrative and teaching staff, in addition to the student community.

The event was held as a preamble to the next Diploma in Cryptocurrencies, where topics such as: Fintech, BlockChain, Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, Legal and Accounting Aspects of Cryptocurrency Trade and Mining, among others, will be studied.

At the end of the presentations there was a surprise from one of the guests, it was a contest of three questions. The first winner turned out to be me. All three prizes were a representative bitcoin currency. The contest was sponsored by a technology store in the city of Barquisimeto. The question was What was the first Blockchain based on smart contracts?

As an anecdote, I can highlight that there was a blackout that occurs daily throughout the country. Luckily, the university has a power plant. However, the speaker during that time continued with the conference and the public maintained order.

Personally, I am happy with the conference, because it was very general. The topics covered had a pedagogical approach towards the public that hardly knows that Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain exist. This type of events are more and more numerous in the country, because, the entrepreneurs who still believe in Venezuela, see the Cryptocurrency as a business opportunity and to face the extremely hard hyperinflation that devours the Venezuelan economy on a daily basis.

Although, it is only a souvenir, this award makes me dream of the idea of ​​someday being able to have a BTC, I am an entrepreneur and despite difficult times I search daily how to earn a living and contribute to society. I am convinced that cryptocurrencies will be part of our daily life as they are of mine. Thank you for read. Do you know the answer to the question with which I earned a BTC?

$ 0.53
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
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4 years ago



$ 0.05
4 years ago

Thank you for reading! my friend!

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Good article ...make everyone proud..hope you succeed ..keep working hard

$ 0.00
4 years ago