Life is Good.

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4 years ago

Throughout my life I have realized that nothing is forever and everything is circumstantial. There are so many difficult moments in our lives that make us fall into the most terrifying emotions. And we are not aware that the only thing that has no solution in this life is death.

I am a chef and this year I quit my job in a restaurant with a high reputation in my city. I was not paid enough to live and in Venezuela it is difficult for someone to do it. Hyperinflation ends any remuneration for work done, so the life of Venezuelan workers becomes increasingly precarious and the country's productive apparatus fades.

The little strength there is is that of entrepreneurs, many, self-employed in their own businesses, allow them to subsist in this economic and social vortex that Venezuela is living.

I have become one. For me it was very frustrating to be able to eat at work while my 63-year-old mother and my brother barely ate at my house, because the salary fades the same day it was collected.

With much effort, together with two friends, we started a bakery in our house. It has been very difficult but we don't give up. I have had to struggle between not having money for myself and my family, while I am buying (with the bakery money) the necessary material to continue making bread.

Read news and hear the madnesses of Nicolas Maduro demotivate the young people we want to get by our own means. The thought about whether the only way out of this humanitarian crisis is really having to go somewhere else is very recurrent. It's a nightmare.

Because it is not just not having to eat sometimes, it is also not having a good transport system and wasting so much time on old buses, it is also that electricity is suspended every day without schedule or warning, it is also to see that you cannot buy the medicines to your mother to complete her thyroid treatment.

It is very difficult not to enter despair, depression or anxiety when you think about all this, but that is the life we ​​have lived. And every morning I get up to look for better luck. We have to fight for our dreams and goals every day with a lot of faith that God is with us. Life is good.

I write this in search of financial help to boost this small business and thus be able to help our families. The goal is to reach $ 3000 and buy materials and utensils that are necessary to work from our small apartment. I'm already grateful.

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @unitedstatian
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4 years ago
