I Had Covid-19

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First of all I want to thank God to give me opportunity to be able to write on this Platform again. These last three weeks make me realize life is really unpredictable and if we want to do something we should start working on this immediately. Death is inevitable and no one can control it .

Since the first case in Pakistan I become very attentive to situation I was continuously following news of China so since very first case in city I applied whole SOP directed by WHO on my house and on me . I use to disinfect every item which comes from outside, wearing mask and sanitizing hand after every 30 mins .

It was Saturday 23 May , First Day of Eid I woke up and felt pain in my throat. I get sore throat very often so I thought it to be normal, but ongoing situation made me little concern till evening it was fine. I thought may be unrest few nights causing me fatigue . So I slept in evening and wake up after few hours I was perfectly fine . Next morning I again woke up with sore throat . I used warm water and salt and garraled to ease the pain in throat, after a few hours I was normal again for whole day. Next morning I woke up with extreme fatigue and mild cough. This made me a lot of concern I moved to another room and self isolated myself for safety of my family. In evening I got fever I used paracetamol to control the fever and took Hydralin cough fever to ease the cough . I decided to get tested for Covid-19, So next morning I contacted Govt hotline for situation and they advice me to self isolated in house . But I was concern about it so I took an appointment to PVT lab for the test . Almost after a week of persistence symptoms I got a report that I was positive and believe me this was the hardest medical test I ever had , They put a long stick in your nose till the point you think you can't control your pain any more and want to scream . After the results I got in severe depression as I also started to have a difficulty in breath and on 10th day it got worse . I decided to get admit in hospital . Govt Hospital and PVT hospital both didn't had any space and those top pvt hospital who had space . were charging about 1000$ a night for hospital and for that I have to deposit 6500$ upfront . It was insane and I didnt had that kind of money .

I remember that night I started to seek forgiveness for sins which I remember I did in Past. I thought this was it I can't have another day . I was to afraid to sleep thinking I might not be able to open my eyes again . One of My Dr friend suggest me take a rest when I called him told him that I was to afraid to sleep what should I do. He thought I was having panic attack . I know many people think they can do better but I wish no one get in 5-10 % of these covid-19 patients who have these complexity . Any how I slept due to medication next morning I woke up and my breath was still troubling but it was good then last night . Few more days and I started to feel normal and I survive my most horrific two weeks of life . I get tested my family and they all were negative . Later on I find out a oxygen cylinder at home could help me in my breathing problem which would cost 100$ .

I can feel now pain and fear of 1000's of patients who could not afford a hospital and suffering from this . Private Hospital should think of this pandemic and try not to over profit the situation these mafia should be stop. Govt of my country is a absolute failure in this pandemic . If they can't take care of everyone they should publish a guide line and use of oxygen cylinder in these situations . Pharma companies and wholesaler should be locked down in cage because of profiting in this pandemic . The injection which are on trial and in past they costed 100$ now are vanish from market and cost about 2000-3000$ (Remdisvir & Erecta) .

This Covid-19 wont be responsible of death not more then these mafia`s which are causing trouble for people who already are in trouble .

I decided to to raise money and provide oxygen cylinders to those who are in need and I will do it don't know how but I will .

At the end I want to be grateful to Emergent_reason , Lizzie & Jose from EatBCH & Koush who kept asking me about my health and feeled concern about it. It always feel good to know you have people who care :). Thank you all.

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I was to afraid to sleep thinking I might not be able to open my eyes again.

That is terrifying. Thank you for sharing - I am glad to hear from you again and I hope your family will stay free of the virus.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice words

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4 years ago

I hope you have already healed! Prayers for you! TAKE CARE!

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4 years ago

Thank you for writing this article it is very helpful to get insight about the virus which you have shared wonderfully

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4 years ago

I thank God for your recovery. God will perfect everything. Thanks for showing us more insight on this

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4 years ago

God is Good all the Time. He didnt let his children to fight alone in this pandemic. Im so happy that you're ok now.

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4 years ago