Building a community solving all problems.

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Written by
4 years ago

Following first crypto Bitcoin from 2010 and living in a country where we even cant make online payment easily till 2016 it was a painful experience. Internet gave me access to all knowledge I need to grow my mind while reading and listening to great minds around the world but Govt policies always limited to what I can do in action to be a part of this amazing blockchain revolution. As I am writing this in 2019 Pakistan govt put the ban on any type of crypto trade against cash.  But this never stopped me from creating a idea. What ever all govts do they cant ban, arrest and kill the ideas. With that believe I want one idea to become reality Solving all problems and destroying status quo all in one. As I said I believe blockchain to be more of a revolution rather then technology. I will share my ideas who knows this might become a reality. 

 Idea is to create a community which can grow foods in their little spaces as farming technology is escalating is  becoming easy to grow a large amount of food in small space and using hydroponic technology will eliminate the soil element seeing many projects on kickstarter or indiegogo these type of things can be a 10X10 feet decoration piece ( one should be artistic to do that) same goes with a dairy setup or a poultry this things can be done in one backyard without even creating a environment of a farm . Now suppose we have 10 members in a community growing 10 different types of food one can produce grains, other one vegetables and like this 10 different families growing 10 different types of food in their home or backyard. They will be left with excess food with them now here comes the importance of community A blockchain platform where they can list up their food in exchange of Bitcoin cash and buy their others need from BCH they earned by listing their food this will create a echo system a community which is growing their own food and being sufficient in a top necessity .

Just Imagine if this can be done on a larger scale how many problems will it solve let me lists some of them.
1. Organic food
2. Food wastage
3. Ending hunger
4. Govt issued Currency circulation will be reduced 
5. Giving people freedom from fear of hunger
6. A healthy life
7. A clean environment to breath in 
And list can go one. this is a still rough idea and I know hundreds of problems can be point out in this rough sketch but still what are problem solvers for we can solve problems together any input in this any kind of suggestions any kind of improvements are welcome please feel free to share your wisdom. Thank you 

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$ 2.84
$ 1.00 from @Read.Cash
$ 0.49 from @Pjman7
$ 0.10 from @Telesfor
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Avatar for ralak
Written by
4 years ago


It's a great idea, I hope it will be executed upon.

If I were one of those 10 families though, I would not use hydroponics, but aquaponics - I'd put a bathtub or so in size under my growing bed and then select fish and vegetables with complementary nutritional needs.

Feed the fish with left-overs from family food primarily, complemented with paid-for fish-food. The fish pee and poop in the water which gets pumped up to the growing bed, where the vegetables "trade" the fish waste for their own.

Every now and then the balance of the ecosystem might need a little re-adjustment, for example taking out fish to eat when there's too many, or providing fish and/or vegetable nutrients bought from a store.

To really be sustainable, the energe needed to keep the pump, lights and heating/cooling going could come from solar panels.

On a sidenote, there are real big companies working on making this in large-scale production already (think containerized solutions) so it's likely an idea that is here to stay.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Thanks for replying and adding up the information yes aquaponics will be good choice to go and whole idea is that big companies are going into this containerized solution what we need is a dedicated trade peer to peer platform for this and their is no other great choice then BCH for this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a very good idea if properly implemented. For assistance or partnership, you can contact@koush or Roger Ver. They could be of help.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Nice all in one

$ 0.00
4 years ago

maybe a one-room application for hydroponics or aquaphonics lovers around the world to distribute local organic vegetable crops by peer to peer, one depot in one city with an agency cooperation vendor in an application with a digital currency payment system and delivery system. opening jobs around the world such as online taxi applications or online delivery, moreover, this food is very much needed in a healthy world. for example vegetable coint = VTC, VTC wallet, VTC point, VTC invest, VTC worker delivery, VTC depot hydro, VTC depo aquaphonic. customer satisfaction survey assessment. organic product assessment. assessment of delivery of goods, and form of packaging, etc.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a great idea. But I think it's better to do locally. You can't ship your vegetables too far away. I don't even think you need blockchain platform for that, just a few neighbours and a few mobile phones. Install wallet and use to acquire the first Bitcoin Cash ( cannot really be banned)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for a reply Its really encouraging and yes You are right about it. Its a idea getting build thank god I found the community to share my idea and get going your reply is really encouraging :)

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Nice all in one

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Also you could write this article in your native language, thereby maybe finding more local people who share your ideas (you can write in any language on

$ 0.02
4 years ago