What is it like to swim with a shark? 

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4 years ago

The islands are surrounded by palm trees, and the fishing villages are surrounded by palms. The annual temperature is around 24 ° -30 °. The temperature is balanced throughout the year. It is a tropical marine monsoon climate with a pleasant climate. The city here is very bleak, there are no tall buildings lined up, no boulevards-it is Cebu.

The origin of Cebu

Cebu City is the earliest developed city in the Philippines, known as the "Queen of the South". In 1521, the Portuguese navigator Magellan sailed from Spain to Southeast Asia, and was surprised to discover this beautiful and quiet island on the way, and left a lot of traces of Spain.

Cebu Island is a long and narrow coral reef island with a crescent moon shape and surrounded by the sea. The island is covered with green grass and flowers. Looking down from a height, it is like a green mango, rippling in the blue waves. Today, every summer, tourists from all over the world come to Cebu for a vacation.

Explore the history of Cebu

Church of the Infant: The Baroque Catholic Church, a World Heritage Site. The icon of the Infant is the oldest in the Philippines and is considered the most effective.

Magellan's Cross: It was nailed when Magellan came to the Philippines in 1521, and taught Catholics to the locals. It is now a symbol of Cebu. For Filipinos, this is the beginning of Catholicism.

St. Peter's Castle: It was built when Spain first came to the Philippines. It was their first colonial core here. It was also the smallest but oldest three-horned military fortress in the Philippines.

Dance with whale sharks

Have you ever thought that one day you can get so close to the shark and dance together?  This is the only place where whale sharks gather in the world. The record of seeing whale sharks is 100%. There were 4 or 5 when there were few. Take a crab boat to the sea and stop to watch the whale sharks playing in the water. Although the whale shark is also a kind of shark, their personality is really gentle, unlike their violent relatives. Then put on diving equipment and take a leap, dancing with the "gentle sea giant"-whale shark.

Play with water at Kawasan Waterfall

There are many waterfalls in Cebu, but the Kawasan waterfall is the most famous. The waterfall pours out from the middle of the turquoise and is very clear. Surrounded by green plants, it is very lush and does not feel very hot even in summer. Its pool is blue-green, with high calcium content, and locals like to jump and swim in the pool. Then you can also try diving, bamboo rafting, water skiing and other projects. It is a hot summer day, especially to cool off!

Sardine Storm

Located on the southwestern of Cebu Island, Mobao is the top ten diving destinations in the Philippines. This is a paradise for divers. Here you can see the colorful underwater world. It is best known for the sardine storm. It can be said that Mobao is also famous for sardines, so some people say that Mobao is the hometown of sardine storm.

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Written by
4 years ago


The beach looks really beautiful.Sardine strom is beautiful also. Thank you for Sharing interesting places.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

such places are real and magical at the same time. thanks to your tips I can be there ... ;-)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice place to visit for holiday and relaxation. It can turn out to be a big time revenue source for government if well harnessed.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great places to visit and see , would like to be there really swim under warm water and feel that great environment.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Last time if I swim with shark, I lost one leg 😂

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I heard many time about Cebu city. It seems to me a very beautiful place.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I love this

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4 years ago