What are the most beautiful towns in Switzerland? 

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4 years ago

Switzerland has a lot of natural beauty and a diverse culture.Let's visit this beautiful country from the mountain scenery, flowering trees, lakeside scenery and historical center.



Bern is home to the Swiss Federal Government  and is located in the Bernese Oberland. It is the fourth largest city after Zurich, Geneva and Basel, and the capital of the canton of Bern.

The Aare River divides the city into two halves, with the old city on the west bank and the new city on the east bank. Seven wide bridges across the Aare River connect the old city and the new city. The old town has now become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The various fountains, walkways with arcades, and towering towers in the city are all tiresome and fascinating. The square in front of the town hall is the best-preserved medieval square. Among the many monuments in Bern, the bell tower and the cathedral are unique.



When you come to Guarda, you can only do one thing: look! 

Guarda is located in the foothills of the Eastern Alps in Switzerland, very close to the border between Austria and northern Italy. Each building is an elaborate piece of art, and the entire village is like an exhausted art museum.

It is one of the most beautiful villages in Switzerland and is also listed as a Swiss national cultural heritage.



Interlaken is a city in the Swiss canton of Bern and a world-famous tourist city. Interlaken is a European Switzerland famous for the "European Spine" Jungfrau, the original meaning of Latin is "between two lakes", located between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, also known as the town between lake.

Interlaken is geographically the center of the Bernese Oberland. The famous hand-woven fine mesh fabric is produced here, but it is known as the "rag",it is famous all over the world.

The traditional hand-painted pottery products here are also very famous, with patterns of local villages and modern flavors, which are very popular among tourists.



Lucerne is the capital of the canton of Lucerne  and part of the district of the same name, located in the central part of Switzerland, at the confluence of the Royce River exit and the Four State Lake.

Known as the most beautiful and ideal tourist city in Switzerland, it is also the most popular Swiss holiday destination for Swiss people. Lucerne is a famous historical and cultural city, and artists have received endless inspiration here. Historically, many famous writers lived and wrote here.

The centre of Lucerne itself is not very big, the main attractions are scattered within walking distance. The Capel bridge and the octagonal water tower are the landmarks of Lucerne and the buildings that most often appear on Swiss postcards.



The romantic jazz capital Montreux has a natural romance. It is located on the shores of the vast lake Geneva, scattered between the lake and the mountains, scattered with churches and small houses.

On the hillside, all over the mountains are planted with grapes used for making mellow wines. Visitors can visit the vineyards and taste the wine.

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Written by
4 years ago


This is a very nice article. The towns are beautiful in deed and are good for inhabitation. Bravo for sharing this!.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice writeup

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I find the small towns in Switzerland even more beautiful than the big, well-known ones. One example of this is Stein am Rhein. I was there last year and was very enthusiastic about the town. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stein_am_Rhein

$ 0.00
4 years ago

is Stein am Rhein affordable place for living a normal life?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have only visited the city and do not live there, so I cannot give you an answer to the question. Moreover "affordable place for living" and "normal life" are relative concepts.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Planning to visit Switzerland 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I always have a dream to visit Switzerland. After reading and seeing these pictures, I feelings become more stronger.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful pictures. I was planning to visit switzerland this summer but due to lockdown the plans have changed.

$ 0.00
4 years ago