Talking about Morocco, a well-deserved perfect travel destination 

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4 years ago

Because of "low-cost and ever-changing strong impact exotics," Morocco was named one of the most valuable travel destinations by Lonely Planet in 2017.

It is located in the country at the border of Europe and Africa. It is not like Africa in Africa. When the weather is fine, you can look at the Cape Spartel lighthouse in northwest Morocco. You can even see Spain on the other side of the strait. No wonder I have been seen saying that Morocco is "a tree rooted in Africa but whose leaves breathe the fresh air of Europe"

God knocked over the color palette here, and each city claimed its own color, smoked Marrakesh, blue and white Chefchaouen, and yellow fez. exotic.

But at the same time, Morocco's tourists also have a lot of bad reviews. Countless tourists complain that they are looking forward to coming here, but they are used as walking wallets.

It may not be as good as you think, but it is definitely not as bad as written in those travel notes. Overall, I still feel that it is very worthwhile to visit. The most important thing is that it is also visa-free, and you can start a journey of talking at any time.

There is also a case where you may be asked to charge, so in order to protect your wallet, it is better to take a low-key shot or ask in advance.


Compared with the capital Rabat, Casablanca is obviously much more famous. It is Morocco's largest city and a financial center. Coming here in person, I really feel its nostalgia and romance.

One of the most famous lines in the black and white movie North American Spy Shadow (also known as Casablanca): "There are so many cities in the world and so many pubs in the city, but she just walked into my pub." It is the city that made Casablanca known to the whole world. North American spy movie poster

Hassan II Mosque comes to Casablanca If you can only go to one place, 99% of people will answer you: Hassan II Mosque

Yes, it is very special. The most special place has two points. One is that almost 99% of the population in Morocco is Muslim. The mosques here are not open to non-Muslims. The only exception is the Hassan II Mosque, which allows tourists to enter. To visit.

There are many rules to visit here: for example, you will be asked to take off your shoes when entering the door, but the marble floor in the hall is heated all year round, even if you step on it in winter, you will not feel cold. Another example is not to play and eat loudly in the hall, otherwise it may be considered as disrespect for Allah.

Even so, when you see these elaborate cloister jade pillars, and look at similar and different decorative murals and golden crystal chandeliers, everything becomes worthwhile.


As the capital of Morocco, Rabat, although it is also known as Morocco's "four imperial cities" with Fez, Marrakesh, and Meknes, it is particularly low-key compared to other cities.This is a modern and historical city that has both beautiful scenery and original life.

Udayaya Fort Rabat was built in the 12th century. It was built little by little on the basis of a castle, and this castle is now Udayaya Fort.

The high-altitude platform of Udayaya Fortress used to be an air market in ancient times. Now standing on the platform, you can enjoy the vast sea view and bring a leisurely atmosphere unique to the old colony. This is also my favorite place in Rabat. local.

Going deeper along Udayaya Fort is the old town of Rabat. The exterior walls of most of the buildings here have been painted in romantic blue and white. If it is not for Muslims coming and going on the street, it seems that they are in the place. Santorini.

It is highly recommended to leave here for a whole half day. In addition to the various stalls along the way, there is also a blue and white building with super saturation, which is really suitable for taking pictures.

The tomb of Mohammed V and the tomb of Mohammed V and Hassan Tower have a common entrance with Hassan, and they are usually visited together.

In the glorious 12th century, the King of Morocco planned to build one of the world's largest mosques in Rabat. Unfortunately, the king died shortly after it was built. A major earthquake in Lisbon in 1755 collapsed all unfinished mosques, leaving only 312 pillars and the minaret.

Riad Al Amin Morocco has many traditional courtyard hotels, also known as Riad. Although these hotels are very old from the outside, they have nothing to do with inside. The reason why Morocco can become a photo mecca for internet celebrities is that these unique courtyard-style homestays have contributed.

They are usually buried in the alleys of the ancient city of Medina, but they are the most convenient way to explore the customs and customs of Morocco. 

In short,but if you don’t experience it for yourself, you will know how wonderful it is.

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Written by
4 years ago


Have you been to Morocco yet?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am in from morocco

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Can you confirm what's written in the article?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

website online available to provide the travel related information

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.00
4 years ago

oh love you brother thanks ....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanx. In the last sentence of the article, too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.01
4 years ago

Thank you very much. You see, I read the articles very carefully. And I have traveled a lot in my life... 😉

$ 0.05
4 years ago

i am an online traveller travel different website online and write articles 😅

$ 0.10
4 years ago

That's a nice way to travel, too. Today you can read about many things and see beautiful photos and movies. You don't have the many people and no stress. I almost don't travel anymore. I prefer to read.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you are my guest please travel pakistan also northern areas KPK.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I haven't been to Pakistan yet but I have friends from Pakistan, so I know the country a bit. I was in Thailand, Singapore and Laos.

$ 0.00
4 years ago