Indonesia's ancient city is more popular than Bali

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Do you only know Bali when traveling to Indonesia? As a "land of thousands of islands", there are of course many interesting places that are not well known by the public.


Yogyakarta is located in central and southern Java, Indonesia. It is the birthplace of Javanese culture and arts and is home to many schools of learning. It used to be an ancient kingdom favored by the “gods”. It has one of the four world-famous ancient miracles of the East, Borobudur; It is the ruins of the capital of the Kingdom of Mataram; there is also the mausoleum of the Wang family, the ancient Hindu temple...


Borobudur is located about 40 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta. It is the world's largest Buddhist architectural complex and is listed as a world cultural heritage. Borobudur means "a stupa on a hill" and may be built in 800 AD, but there is no written record of who built it, which is very mysterious. Borobudur is the largest area of ​​Buddhist architecture in the world. It is also known as the Four Wonders of Ancient East.

Royal Palace of Yogyakarta

The place of former nobles and nobles, today is a holy place for taking pictures. The Royal Palace in the center of Yogyakarta was designed and built by Hamengku Buwono I, the first king of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. The Royal Palace is the cultural and political center of Yogyakarta. It is a palace with a history of nearly 250 years and a museum that witnesses the struggle of the country. The whole royal palace is a mixture of Islamic culture and Javanese culture, and it blends the architectural styles of the East and West.

Today, it is still the main palace of the Sultan family in Yogyakarta. As a living place for the Sultan family and a cultural center containing Javanese people in the museum, the servants used in the palace are still in ancient clothes.

Giant palm

The giant's palm, is located in the southeast corner of Yogyakarta. Since this towering pine forest has more art installations made of branches and unique shapes, it has attracted a large number of people every day.

You can find very creative plant designs at this popular location.You can sit in, you can lie down, and you can climb up the tree. The most eye-catching is the palm of the giant.

Mount Merapi

The Merapi volcano is the youngest of the volcanoes in South Java and the largest active volcano on the island of Java, and may erupt at any time. The volcano generally has a small eruption every two to three years, and it will happen once every 10 to 15 years. Big eruption. So before you go to climb the mountain, please be sure to solicit the opinions of local people before making a decision, and pay attention to safety. 

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yaap..this is a very nice spot..hope I can go there..I have a dream to go there and enjoy this natural beuty

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Mind blowing pictures. I really love it. Feels like I want to go these places right now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful pictures. I never knew about this. I only heard about Bali and would really plan to visit it once the lockdown is over

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hlw! I am Habiba from Bangladesh.please supporting me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow!! this is a very nice place..hope I can go to this place.. thanks for your amazing of luck and stay safe

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4 years ago