Fairy kingdom, Palau, the last clean place on earth! Must go once in this life ... 

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4 years ago

The global epidemic continues to spread, and all parts of the world have fallen one after another. Even Greenland in the Arctic Circle has lost its guard ... The world is really sick.

However, in some countries, 0 infections are diagnosed, which can be said to be the only "purified land" left on earth.

The Palau is one of them.

Many people have heard the name because it is so beautiful.

Swaying palm trees, gentle sea breezes, silvery white sand beaches, and underwater wonders ...

It seems that God created Palau to show how wonderful a world he can create.


The clearest water in the world

In Palau there is a place called the Rock Islands .

It is one of the purest marine ecosystems in the Pacific, the last pure land free from industrial pollution.

Whether it is a bright sunny day or a warm and pleasant night, you can walk on the snowy and delicate beach and feel the most clear and transparent sea water in the world .

The water here has a bizarre blue-green color, so pure and weird, people ca n’t believe it, do n’t dare to touch it, just afraid of breaking the beautiful dream in front of them with one hand.

Moreover, the Rock Islands are full of vibrant tropical plants, the reefs of the diving site are surrounded by sand, and the sea water presents vivid colors with different shades of green and blue.


No sunscreen lotions

At the beginning of this year Palau began to implement strict new laws prohibiting the use of sunscreen lotions containing harmful ingredients to coral reefs, violators fined $ 1,000 .

Palau President said: "We must respect the environment in which we live, because the environment is the place where life is nurtured". 

Many islands are now being polluted one after another.Due to the influence of human activities and other factors, many coral groups in the Great Barrier Reef are now dead. The once prosperous underwater world has gradually lost its vitality, which is really regrettable.


The only wonder in the world-Jellyfish Lake

The calm jellyfish lake is connected to the open sea at the bottom. You can dive into the lake to admire the jellyfish .

This is the world's rare non-toxic jellyfish lake . The crystal tombs are clear of jellyfish, and they are opened and closed in front of the eyes, like a dance party.

Remember that because the jellyfish itself is quite fragile, you must not take the jellyfish out of the water.


Natural SPA Holy Land—Milk Lake

Milk Lake is not actually a lake, but a small sea between small islands.

Here is surrounded by mountains on three sides, leaving only a gap connected to the sea. The color of Milk Lake is a very special sky blue , pure and beautiful.

The reason why it is called Milk Lake here is because of the precipitation of volcanic mud at the bottom of the lake. The water color is milky blue and green, and the water quality is a little opaque. The white volcanic mud at the bottom of the lake is very similar to milk, so it is called Milk Lake.


Mysterious Exploration-Blue Cave

As we all know, Palau is a world-class diving site, and there are also blue holes here.

Speaking of the blue hole, many people's first reaction is Saipan, but Palau's blue hole is more distinctive.

There are four entrance holes about three meters from the bottom of the water. The light from the four holes enters the blue hole, which is even more gorgeous.

This is a place suitable for making large films. Different holes have different light visions . They are dreamlike and spectacular.

"Boracay" in Palau.

This "Boracay Island" stretches for about one kilometer in the sea. You can walk in the middle of the sea and walk from one of the small islands to another.

In Palau, you will re-learn what is sea, what is earth, what is light, what is heat.

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Written by
4 years ago


its really so much beautifull ✨

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow.... What a beautiful place... How much neat and clean a city can be!! I wish i can go there...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This place is too amazing 😍😍.. i liked it and subscribed you for this post... 😊.. i hope you will subscribe me also

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A wonderful place. Unfortunately, man is polluting the environment more and more, so that such places are becoming rarer and rarer. It will not be long before such places disappear completely.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow!! All pictures are mesmerising. I am a die hard lover of nature. And this post really creat a long for going there. Thank you for such nice post.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

oh my God.. it's a heaven no doubt.it's too beautiful. i wish i can go there. THANK YOU for sharing this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is very beautiful and truly extraordinary natural wealth.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The geography of Palau is very interesting. The natural features are outstanding with mysterious waters. I hope government makes Palau a tourism centre, to generate revenue?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I would love to visit if someday. Beautiful island with clean waters. Amazing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wowww this is actually a fairy kingdom..so wonderful place

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You put a lot of informations here. Just wow 😮And the jellyfish are so cute. Did I understand this correctly, Palau is a country?

$ 0.00
4 years ago