Enter the hometown of the rainbow, swim in God's aquarium and have a blue dream 

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4 years ago

If there is one place: God’s aquarium, the hometown of the rainbow, the world ’s recognized diving resort, the world ’s seven largest seabed wonders, the reputation of the paradise in the world.


Palau is located in the western Pacific and is one of the gateways of the Pacific into Southeast Asia. Palau ’s sea has seven colors, and there are countless fish in the seabed. It is the only place in the world where you can dance with jellyfish arbitrarily. You can even swim with sharks ... there is the soul of all diving enthusiasts The paradise of dreams is also the honeymoon holy place most favored by newlyweds in the world in recent years.

Jellyfish lake

Jellyfish Lake is one of Palau ’s most distinctive attractions. Tens of thousands of years ago, the jellyfish lake was part of the sea. Due to the crustal movement, the surrounding seabed increased, gradually isolating it from the outer sea, forming a seemingly ordinary inland saltwater lake. Most of the marine organisms in the lake die with the consumption of nutrients, leaving only a low-level marine organism, jellyfish, which can survive with a small amount of microorganisms.

Due to the disappearance of the natural enemies, these jellyfish "lost" their ancestors' weapons to protect themselves from toxins in their bodies. In this way, Palau Jellyfish Lake has become the only non-toxic jellyfish lake in the world. When you dive into the water, you can swim with them and feel the kind of tranquility that belongs to the sea.

Milk lake

Milk Lake is another unique landscape in Palau. It is a seawater lake. Unlike other seawater lakes, it used to be a region with frequent volcanic activity. The volcanic ash deposited at the bottom of the lake after the volcano erupted, forming a thick layer over the years. Volcanic mud, because of the extremely high transparency of Palau ’s seawater, the volcanic mud deposited on the bottom of the lake makes the blue and green of the seawater a little milky, and the white volcanic mud at the bottom of the lake is very similar to milk, so it is called Milk Lake. When you dive into the bottom of the lake, you can grab a handful of mineral mud and apply it on your body to make a unique underwater spa.

Blue hole

Palau's famous dive site, there is a saying that not to the Blue Cave is equal to never been to Palau, enough to see the importance of the Blue Cave in Palau. The blue hole has two areas, inside and outside, and the outside water flow changes rapidly, which is suitable for advanced divers. When you first enter the blue hole, you will find that several holes in the hole will reflect blue light under the water, forming a mysterious and beautiful scene, and the name of the blue hole is also derived from it. 

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4 years ago



$ 0.00
4 years ago

Beautiful places. No wonder this places are just awesome. Nice collection of pictures.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is such a very informative and beautiful article. It makes me want to go to the place itself and experience it as well but at the same this article made me feel like im in that place already. Thank you so much for this

$ 0.00
4 years ago