Aikenquan doesn't grow grass, why are tourists still coming? Known as the "Devil Eye" 

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4 years ago

There is nothing unusual about the world. There are many incredible spectacles in this land where we live. Whether it is the creativity of nature ’s imagination or the crystallization of human wisdom, it is all amazing.

Some of these miraculous places are world-famous, and there are endless stream of tourists.

A mysterious area that 99.9% people do not know. At a glance, people will fall in love and scream.

That is the "Devil Eye" of Aiken Spring in Qinghai.

Aikenquan, a very magical secret. In the reddish brown land, a hot spring is like boiling water.

Sulphur minerals around the spring eye have been precipitated for a long time, reddish brown, golden yellow, rust color ... colorful, overlooking from the sky, like an eye with eye shadow, like a flying phoenix

"Aiken Spring" means "terrible" in Mongolian. This is a hot spring like no other.The deserted and uninhabited but amazing, unique hot springs, strange colors. It's like a person's eyes, the center of the source is constantly rolling, and the overflowing warm water is like it has always been filled with magic eyes.

For thousands of years, locals have said that "Aiken Spring" is terrible. In the 1980s, the Mongolian people grazing in the surrounding area could still see the spring sprayed to a height of half a meter. It is not so high now, but the situation is still scary.

Locals also found that although spring water is not drinkable , it has certain medicinal value and health benefits .

With the continuous progress of science, more puzzles about it will definitely be solved, and these puzzles are still waiting for us to explore.

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Written by
4 years ago


Nice.please subscribe me dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it looks beautiful. i have never heard about it before. i have come to know an interesting through your article.thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

It sounds so woo woo. I would love to travel there someday.

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4 years ago