My Presentatión in READ.CASH. @rafaelperez

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3 years ago

Hello, my name is Rafael José Pérez Bastidas, I was born in the city of Caracas - Venezuela in the San Juan parish, in the Concepción Palacios Maternity, on July 20, 1971, I am 49 years old, from a very young age, I lived in the Montecristo sector, Los Ruices, 10 minutes from my beautiful Cerro El Ávila, I had the great opportunity of my life to know very well that plant lung of the city of Caracas.

 From the viewpoint on El Morro Hill - Anzoategui State Venezuela

Like any normal family, I had excellent parents who gave everything for their children. We lived in a popular area, but with a lot of sacrifice we moved until we arrived in an area where we felt quite good as a family. They are no longer on this plane, there are many feelings for each of them.

My father was the first to leave for another plane, it is already 16 years since his painful departure, he was only 60 years old, an exemplary man.

 My mother was a very hard death for me, 5 years ago she left us, my brothers had a very bad time since they were out of Venezuela. For me my parents were an example to follow. My father a fighter man and my mother a warrior woman.

We are 8 brothers, like all Venezuelan families, part of them are living in other countries, I really miss them a lot, physical separation is difficult, after growing up with them and then seeing that little by little they are gone, it is very sad.

I got married at 28 years of age, my first child was born, who is now 20 years old, when my son Rafael Eduardo was born I remember a child crying that was not mine, then the doctor told me to approach the checkpoint that had already been born my son in conclusion cry to two children the same day.

Then my daughter María Fernanda was born, I clearly remember that at birth she was so small that she fit into my forearm, she was born premature with very little weight, now she is a large size at 16 years old. Due to circumstances of life I got divorced, this was a negative side of life, the fact of leaving my children felt very bad, that was a very hard time, thank God I got up and moved on.

Due to life issues, I met an old love from my youth, we got married in the year 2,011, today we are happily married, we are a stable couple thanks to God, we understand each other and although it seems corny to them, we also love each other, and well here we are We formed a home where she lived in the Anzoátegui state, we gave ourselves a chance. She had a 2-year-old son and Antonio is 17 years old and is part of my life.

When I lived in Caracas I liked to go up the Avila, look for mangoes in the quinta that had many bushes, I remember that the gardener only looked at us, then he went out to the porch and handed us a bag that was bigger than me. I spent my childhood and youth playing baseball, riding a bicycle, and I also have a group of friends, but the years go by with those real friends and we keep in contact, later I will write about each of them. They are part of my life, they are my brothers and their children are my nephews, my first wife called him the "friends" to put it in a bad way, but if we were always very close and we still are despite the distance, they are very few in Venezuela but always in contact.

One of my hobbies, Playing Softball

As I told you at that time I liked to climb Ávila, the sun is felt in its maximum splendor and you can breathe pure air through its very tall eucalyptus trees, that is why the Ávila national park is well called VEGETAL LUNG in many hikes I went up through various paths, many of them have been enabled for the hiker in general.

You can find climbs through the sectors of San Bernardino, Chacaíto, Altamira and El Marqués. The ascent through Altamira is called Sabas Nieves, while that of the Marqués is named La Julia, both for their corresponding park ranger positions. In particular, I always went up through Sabas Nieves, La Julia and Distribuidor Duarte, they were the busiest at that time.

I am a sports agent, I have a baseball academy, I have a group of boys who are preparing him for life, as well as making his dream come true and obtaining a signature as professional baseball players.

 Now, with this pandemic that is affecting us in all corners of the world, I am dedicating myself to cooking at home, I love cooking for the family.


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$ 0.10 from @carolinacardoza
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Avatar for rafaelperez
3 years ago


Good night my friend @oizaguirres I also lived it, between mangoes and ascent to the hill, I have almost 12 years living in the state. Anzoategi and I miss my beautiful city of Caracas, I adore my vegetable lung that many people from Caracas enjoy. I'm just waiting for the pandemic to go down a bit so that I can travel and enjoy with my children a climb to my great hill, Avila.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My friend Rafael, we are doubly coterraneos, caraqueños and Venezuelans. When I was a child I also lived next to the Avila, in Los Palos Grandes. Interesting the way you have described the course of your life.

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3 years ago