Freedom & Restrictions (for Women in Pakistani society compared to other countries of world)

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3 years ago

Hi RC friends how are you? hope you all are good .

i am here again with a new article having important aspect of our society .

I was thinking about it today then decided to share my thoughts with my RC friends .

its all about

1-What happens when a woman is driving a car in Pakistan?

Apparently in our country, there is no legally restriction on women driving but still an unannounced ban exists in society.
We don't consider a woman who drives a bicycle, motorcycle or car good,

because we don't want to see a woman independent in any shape.

A man is usually afraid of a woman being independent.

2-My point of view .

i want to clear it by putting a basic example that is

"Just like smoking cigarettes makes a man's lungs worse, similarly a woman's lungs are also bad, not a character."

3-Other Asian Countries.

 Women ride bikes and scooters in Bangladesh Nepal Sri-Lanka India and all around the continental but why not in Pakistan?

4-Fear of dependency.

Fearing self dependence is not a problem
Society has shown a lot of resilience in this matter.

5-Life incident.

Want to put a funny incident regarding to the article.

"Two girls were standing on the signal, came from behind on the bike with speed and hit me.
Broke my bike side signal
My kick got frozen.
Now I could neither abuse them nor hit them.
The cop came from here, I was wrong, I was challenged, didn't say anything to the girls.
Even though there were girls who were not guilty". 

So lets back come to the main point

6-Our society is like a wolf.

(If a single woman rides a bike, it is quite possible that she will fall victim to a wolf..
Wherever a woman is alone, different wolves have eyes for hunting.)

7-Debate with a friend (Personal Thoughts)

Today when i was talking to my friend about the topic mentioned in my article

i want to share his thoughts in his own wordings.

"I am sorry to say that

  • A woman should stop asking for protection from us and asking for facilities.

  • She should also leave home as soon as she is eighteen years old and pay the expenses of her education by herself.

  • Eat by earning and demanding millions of rupees in the right hand.

  • And stop betting on writing your name, house and property.

  • Then no one will ask for dowry from him, no one will make fun of him by seeing him doing Joker tricks on the street way,

  • Mr. Ma Odnian has been working for years, bricks are being cut, no one has stopped them.

  • Sir, I want to show your libraries and women's with their hypocrisy and reality that leave two colors and become one color."

All the lines mentioned above are his word same to same as he uttered before me.

for a moment i thought that he it quite right in many points,

From my point of view here is another aspect of this issue of woman driving.

in other countries.

8-The demand of circumstances changes the direction of time

In other countries, due to the needs of time ,

  • women started jobs,

  • started driving cars,

  • to move in society,

  • then started driving bicycle bikes,

  • now there, Women are driving public transport, taxi, trucks due to conditions and need.

    It will happen slowly here too, Earlier women didn't even drive a car, now a large number of women carry cars on our roads, and they have also started driving bikes.

9-From Islamic Point of view.

  • Today's Maulvi's circle of Islam is very narrow,

  • he may not have read Islam completely who cannot train people in his society.

  • Well, if self-dependence was such a big sin, then the Prophet (PBUH) would have ever married Hazrat Khadija (RA). Do not do it.


tell me in comment section if you love my article or it need some amendment in it. it will help me and encourage in writing more articles with more precision.. ..

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3 years ago


good work

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

I think woman should be given more freedom like in other countries

$ 0.00
3 years ago

exactly they should treated equally as in other countries

$ 0.00
3 years ago

great post dear, carry on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much

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3 years ago