Your Creation Process

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4 years ago

In the creation process of making all our intentions manifest into the physical form, it's undergoes into a lot of resistances, that's why a strong will, clarity of the mind and a big but gentle heart should work together in this process to make all our desires happen.

But what if the price is too high? Someone or something close to your heart must be sacrifice just to fulfill the dreams you ever want. It can be habits that always put you in your comfort zone and make you happy. No, you cannot just let go of it. There's must be a balance..

You can change on course or modify your goal to throughly adapt to the will of our Nature which always seek the balance in this world just to make it a peaceful and liveable for all life here.

Change is the real constant in this world. A man who is a master in the creation process knows how and when it is time to change the goal. He don't give it up completely, he made a compromised in his mind which in the process he just modify the initial goal. He knows that there is something much greater and higher desires than his.

There's always a price for everything, there's no free lunch. It takes our time, effort, perseverance, sacrifice, our happiness in exchange for our desires can truly happen.

Life is always in balance, in all aspect of it. Sometimes we give it up all to our initials goals and desires, but the creation process is always in motion. One point in your life, it goes back to you and telling you that this is your previous desires, you can now make it happen or at least fulfill it at a certain level.

Humans have a certain level of power in this creation process. Our instinct tell us, there is much powerful and higher out there. We cannot got all the details as we percieve or picture it in our mind. That's why just telling to ourselves or to someone are intensions and desires, it has enough energy to go through and all we need is to wait and have patience. Until it goes back, for you to decide to push the creation process, to change or modify it... 😘

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4 years ago


Nice article. There should be a balance between imagination and reality. By this, we will be able to overcome resistances on our way to success.

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4 years ago

Its a nice article love reading it. Shows the real meaning of life. Teach us what our life is and how shoud we balance under any circumstances .

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4 years ago