Time Is Gold

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4 years ago

I remember when I was young, that when every time I need to answer a question that asked, "What is your motto?", I always write, "Time is gold." Maybe I'm just too lazy to write a long one, or that's the only thing I can remember. Nowadays, when someone asked me, "What is time for you?", I always said, and realized that indeed, " Time is gold."

Just like gold, time is precious because it is also a scarce commodity. Though we all have the same limited time in this world, how we used ours' efficiently matter the most. Young people may think that time is unlimited but when they get older they came to the realization that they needed more time just to do more.

I don't have the time!

This statement is a common excuse for people who think that they can't do more because of a limited time. Our choices in life, dictates the course we are heading. That's why we must think deeply and always consider time in every choices we make. If you are someone, who always said, " I don't have the time." Consider evaluating deeply on how you spend your time, every single day, and make some improvements along the way. Suggesting someone on how to use their time is absurd, it is you to decide that. All I can say is, use time on the things that matter most. What matter most, is up to you. It can be money, relationship, fame, recognition, happiness... freedom.

Your wasting time!

If you think your wasting time reading this piece, your right! I don't know the reason why you click this on the first place. I hope you don't just read here aimlessly and without purpose. I always respect people on how they want to live their life. That's the reasons you can't read here some sort of recommendation.

  • If you're someone who want to get rich, you will not waste your time waiting for hours just to get a 30% discount on sale. Is the wait worth it? or just a waste of time?

  • You can study at your work. You can read books, watch d.i.y. on YouTube, or hone your writing skills on Read.Cash. There is always a dead time at work, use it wisely. The best part is, you are paid by your boss.

  • I play Mobile Legend ( online MoBa game) and MineCraft with the kids ( son, nephews and nieces ). I only do it to have a quality time with them, and at same time update them on their problems and school's work. I don't play alone. I rather finish the book titled "The Millionaire Fast Lane by MJ DeMarco."

  • Regular exercise not only saves you a lot on medical bills but also extend your time on Earth. Watching movie while doing aerobics or weight lifting i a must try.

  • Watching TV while writing article for Read.Cash is my favorite though much of it is still on the save folder.

  • Practice singing in the toilet or while bathing.

Oopps!, those are recommendation right? See, I'm afraid that those doesn't fit your situation, that's why I rather don't give any. Nevertheless, the bottom line is, hitting two or three birds with only one stone, is always better than hitting a lone bird with the same effort. If you think time is precious and limited, you must reinvent how to use your time.

Confucius once said,

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

That's a simple advice from a great philosopher thousand of years ago and yet very applicable in our time. You can interpret it in many ways, but I see it as an efficient way of using time.

Time is valuable than money.

We all have 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This suggest that time is a great equalizer! Money on the other hand, is unlimited! Yes, you read it right. There is no limit on how money is made, yet there is a huge discrepancy on how wealth is distributed among social classes. As long as the governments can print money "out of nowhere," there's abundance of money. If you can observe how the rich and poor use their time, you can noticed a huge difference, and this is directly proportional to their wealth.

Time is Crypto?

Gold was used as money for thousand of years and its value is recognized around the world. After the abolishment of gold standard, governments turned into their money printing press to solved all kinds of world's problem. Yes, it brings prosperity and accelerated humans progress in all aspect of life, but we came now to the point that printing more money can no longer be trustworthy. With the creation of blockchain technology, we can have a consensus of money, that is trust less, a medium of exchange and have value known around the world. Like Bitcoin Cash, gold is precious because of its scarcity, and when you equate it with time, a new motto is created;

"Time is BitcoinCash"

Thanks for reading. :)

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4 years ago


Time has lots of attributions to it, Time is Precious, Time Is Money and lots of others also, time well spent can not be regretted.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Allow me to share my realizations this whole quarantine period. Ever since it was announced that we will be quarantined, at first I was so eager to study, to spend my time to learn more about my course, I'm an aspiring Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer btw, incoming third year college this coming academic year. Well, the plan was to actually have some advance study to make myself prepared to tackle our major subjects. But unfortunately the next months came and I got bored with my routine, I got tempted by the lifestyle of other people. Man I also want to spend time watching Korean Drama Series, Anime, Read Manga and other Television Series on Netflix. and I did, its almost five months now and I know all I was doing was waste my time.. not so precious that I might actually regret in the future. You're right about your article, time is really gold and to be able to find this platforms mean a lot to me. I am just blessed enough to be here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I actually write this text while watching news and sipping a coffee after a day of work. Sometimes I also drag by my peers, to do things that are not really productive. We are all guilty of that, but as long you move on and knows your priorities, you can always start maximizing your time. Dwelling to the past, is just a waste of time.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah right, we just have to move forward.

$ 0.00
4 years ago