Sound Money

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4 years ago

The financial turmoil of 2008 leads to the idea of adapting a sound money rather than our current system of fiat base. Bitcoin is invented after this and hoping to be the next medium of exchange or a digital asset which mimic gold.

The inflationary bias of fiat currency hurts the savers, the most thrifty and can ruin the pensioners. Someone must create debt so we can create money, that's the reality of our current financial system. Ideally, if you have fiat cash one must spend it not longer enough especially to more stable and tangible assets because anytime the value of fiat cash can drop significantly because of inflation or worse hyperinflation.

The foundation principle of fiat is only from trust, we trust government which have the power to create fiat money on its will and purposes. But governments are run by people, and by all the flaws of human, money supply cannot be trusted on human alone.

Cryptocurrencies is one of the assets one must fully consider in building wealth. The potential of being a new medium of exchange is huge and can create a huge wealth for early adapter. This time we trust on computers with has its own law or algorithm that can be decided by all the users.

When the time fiat is back by gold, there is a discipline to which how much money must created in the system. Gold prove itself over thousands of years to be stable and a worthy assets. So, why not go back to gold? Well, it can be too boring with the current lifestyle. After abolishing gold standard, we have a generations that did not see gold as worthy as before. Supply of gold can't match the growth of economies today. Western Nations without much gold don't want to loose its current power leverage especially to China and Russia which can have gold more than declared, because money is power.

Cryptocurrencies and gold have many similar features. Both being a universal money without any government ties. Fiat system is the worst of the two.

Maybe gold can be too old for modern people, and crypto appeal more to younger generations but both can live alongside. Humanity now have an option of having a sound money just like before.

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4 years ago


Oh, if only I had bought bitcoins many years ago..

$ 0.00
5 months ago

With this coronavirus pandemic all the financial sector worldwide are in great downfall. Can imagine what will happen in the near is what all people depend upon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good work

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The advantages of cryptocurrency over fiat money are enormous. In fact, the outbreak of Covid-19 has taught us many lessons about the importance of cryptocurrency.

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4 years ago