Let's Go Back To Work

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4 years ago

People around the world are already realizing that they can't no longer just stay and wait at their homes. Even children are questioning why they can't go outside and play freely.

Because there is already mass testing, those who are tested positive who feels only very minor symptoms or no at all refusing to stay at the quarantine area and want a second test to be done. But they can only show little tolerance because the authority threaten them with hefty fines and jail time just like they've done to people who are violating the current quarantine/lockdown law.

The effect of lockdown to the economy and livelihood of people are devastating. Businesses can't survive if quarantine will be lifted too long. Unemployment surely rise and no stimulus or printing money can saves these businesses and workers because what is changed was people habits and attitudes.

The nightmare of governments who imposes lockdown is in the scenario of 2nd wave, 3rd or 4th. Turning on and off the economy is really not an option and only make the economy much worst.

Now, all government want to open up again. They realizing that if this goes too long the impact on the economy will be irreversible and will be a threat to the bureacracy itself.

This really a hard job of striking in between of not being too complacent and be stupid in the threat of this virus.

Stay Safe!..

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4 years ago


Really man I'm really tired to stay at home now have to go back to work. Waiting for the day. Nice topic. Good job

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The economy is already in jeopardy. The earlier the resumption, the better it is. Economic recession is everywhere now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't want to work myself even though I know it is necessary to have money, I support you as much as possible

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm having a hard time staying home, I have to ride my motorcycle and go to work to stay healthy. I provide professional services , this is why my income is really low right now. we have the lock down extended for additional two weeks , I hope things get better soon.

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4 years ago