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4 years ago

Human conquer the world because of this ability... Imagination. This is a gift from our Creator which are ancestors use to build our society of what it is today.

Every aspect of our lives, every inventions, religion, lifestyle and customs, industries, money etc. are once created first on human's imagination.

It creates value from nothing, from raw material to useful products, It solves problems, create plan and strategies, it drives people towards its goal.

This ability is a process, with enough will power, perseverance, strong emotion and focus a man can be a creator.

Anyone can tap to it, practice to make it strong, believe in yourself. Imagine the end result, you can see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it trough your mind. Be aware of everything or any signs, nature is willing to help you, play, give trial with you but if you only hold that image on your mind, nature have no choice, is to create it in its physical form.

Life is a canvass, use your imagination.

Thank you for reading... :)

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Nice story and a great piece of article. Thanks for writing this great story. Way up. Thank You for this post

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4 years ago