Encourage Yourself More

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4 years ago

In every endeavours, we faces both encouragement and discouragement from people who surround us. Oneself can also gives some positive or negatives feedback through itself.

Sometimes yourself feels fear, shaking, nervousness, hardship or body pain in pursuing goals or plan. These symptoms of the body should be interpret just a reaction and can be think of just an excitement feelings and not anxiety which can lead to self-doubt.

Practice self-encouragement especially when other people gives some negative words which lessen your self-confidence. Human are tend to pay attention more on negative feedback. Discouragement from others limit us to push a liitle harder and postponed are plans. Our reaction to these people comes naturally, by ignoring or just staying away from them. This can be difficult when discouragement came from family members or people that you can't stop seeing everyday like coworkers.

Self-talk with positive feelings increase confidence. Telling yourself like "I can do it" or "There's always a way" can push you more toward achieving goals and help lessen or erase the effect of discouragement.

Finding other people which can give positive words of encouragement can truly helps a lot, that's why it is also important to tell your plans and goals to all possible person that surrounds you. Surely, you can found someone which will agree or can give help in pursuing your dreams.

Sometimes circumstances shows us some encouragement in different form, in work places, social media apps in phones, in music, movies, in children or from strangers. So being aware every moment is very important cause nature always willing to help us.

We cannot stop some discouragement in life. It is part of learning process, the important is our reaction and the way we handle it. Don't take it personally, don't judge it, to not empower the negative thoughts. Final words should come from you and not from others. You know yourself more than they are. Whatever happens, it is yours and it is better to try than not. Focus and push through to your plans and goals and encourage yourself more!

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4 years ago


This is very interesting and motivating. "Winners don't quit until success is grabbed". Thank you for giving us this.

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4 years ago

Mainly , i liked this line......Telling yourself like "I can do it" or "There's always a way" can push you more toward achieving goals and help lessen or erase the effect of discouragement.

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4 years ago

Yes encouraging ourselves is the way to go. A well written article man. Thanks for this.

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4 years ago