When your child's toys are scattered

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1 year ago

While playing, kids can make things messy. This is understandable because when playing children will try to explore various things and satisfy their curiosity. But once finished playing, child needs to be directed to tidy up the toys again.

It's just that telling children to tidy up their toys is sometimes difficult. Even sometimes ignorant children just leave their toys messy after playing. In fact, educating children to tidy up their toys after playing can teach them values ​​of responsibility and independence. There are some simple tips that you can try to be able to educate children to tidy up their toys properly.

When child finishes playing, we can immediately give an example of how to tidy up toys again. At same time, invite him to join in tidying up. For example, returning all the toys back into the toy box, we can immediately invite the child to "compete" who is first and put more toys in the box. So children will be more enthusiastic to tidy up their toys.

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Tidying up toys is not a difficult thing to do. We need to instill this in our children first. One way is to provide a special toy box or basket for him. So to tidy up toys can be done in a short time and easily.

Parents are always an example for their children. If we want our children to have the initiative to clean or tidy up toys properly, we also need to set an example. For example, every time we finish doing or making something, we will put all the things back in their place. Or maybe every afternoon we make it a habit to sweep and mop the house to maintain good hygiene.

Educating children to tidy up their toys every time they finish playing can be one way to build a sense of responsibility in themselves. Starting from simple things to optimize growth and development.

So, don't scold your child when they leave toys in a mess. But, provide education and also examples to them so they can tidy up their toys so that they become disciplined.

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1 year ago


Yes sir we need to educate and discipline the right act of our children and it started it in what they see in our house.they must learn to clean their mess before leaving or proceeding into another activities from then,they will realize how important for being well organized.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's accurate, education will always come first at home. As the bible said, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." And you can do it by making yourself as good example at home to them.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wah nek ponakan ku malah ra iso ndelok mainan hamburan. Bar mainan ambek awak e dewe di simpuni. Nek koncone nyilih malah ra oleh nek mainane wes di simpun.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True my friend. We should teach them in a calm way, explain to them what are the right ways, what they must do after they played. No need to shout or scold them, it's not good.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Such a good strategy and a very understanding parent. God bless you and your family more.

$ 0.01
1 year ago