Rice boiled water (tajin water) is one of the best herbal remedies

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Healthy, Herbal

If you still cook rice use conventional way, which is boiled using a stove or traditional stove, there is usually a white liquid that comes out when rice boils. Well, the liquid is rice boiled water, we call it "tajin water". Usually, mothers in past often gave water from boiled rice to their babies as an alternative to milk, even though the nutritional content was much lower than mother's milk.

However, starch water does contain many substances and vitamins that are good for body. That is why consuming this water is believed to provide many health benefits. One of its well-known benefits is that it can help overcome stomach acid.

"Tajin water" contains minerals and probiotics that are important for gut health and overall digestive system health. The starch content in liquid from rice stew can also stimulate growth of good bacteria in stomach, thereby promoting healthy bowel movements.

Its mineral content helps balance electrolyte levels in the body, especially during hot and humid weather. It keeps the body well hydrated by restoring lost nutrients.

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There are many benefits of starch water for digestive health, including facilitating bowel movements, preventing constipation, and helping to overcome digestive problems, such as diarrhea and food poisoning. In addition, there are also benefits of starch water for stomach, which can help overcome stomach acid disease.

Acid reflux disease is a health problem that occurs when stomach acid repeatedly flows back into tube that connects mouth and stomach (esophagus). Health problems are caused by an imbalance in body, namely high levels of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid), so that fluid can rise back up. However, opposite condition, namely a little stomach acid can also cause heartburn. Well, starch water is believed to be able to neutralize concentration of stomach acid in body.

Rice boiled water is one of the best herbal remedies to restore balance of stomach acid. In addition, this liquid can also reduce burning sensation in chest due to rising stomach acid.

However, keep in mind that starch water is rice cooking water, not rice washing water. The way to get it is to boil rice over low heat, then when rice is half cooked, take thick white liquid on top. You can also add a little salt for taste. Drink starch water when it is warm.

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Healthy, Herbal


Ombenan ku biyen kui kang nek ora duwe susu hahaha. Lagek iki aku ngerti nek banyu tajin iso nyembuhi asam lambung.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh my goodness i first time realized that the white water from the rice is used as a substitute to milk in your area. We don't have such kind of ideas,

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I ocassinally drink this when we don't have evening snacks, hehe with a bit of salt it tastes wonderful.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

baru tau aku loh mas itu air nya pas nasi nya mau mengering atau saat air nasinya mendidih

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I heard a lot of Rice Boiled Water sir. It has a lot of advantages. Thank you so much sir for sharing this information.

$ 0.01
1 year ago