Putren (baby corn) is one of my favorite vegetable

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Dish, Cooking

Talking about stir-fry, surely you agree that this dish is one of mandatory menus that are available when eating. Besides being practical, stir fry is also very varied. There are many ingredients that can be used or combined for stir-fries. One of vegetables that is quite popular for stir-fry is Putren (baby corn).

Putren is a light yellow vegetable whose shape at a glance is similar to shape of corn, only shape is small. That is why many people call this baby corn. If you only eat corn kernels, all parts Putren can be eaten, because cobs are very soft.

One of things I love about this Putren is its crunchy texture, delicious taste, and beautiful color. I really enjoy sautéing this Putren with meatballs, carrots and green beans. If we already have stir-fried Putren at home, family will eat it up quickly.

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Usually, Putren are sold in a state that has been peeled. This is to make it easier for us when cooking. When you are going to buy a Putren, you should choose a Putren who has a bright light yellow color. Putren that is already brown in color usually has been stored for a long time and is no longer fresh, so it doesn't taste good when processed.

Next, try to pay attention to the shape of Putren. A good Putren has characteristics of having seeds that are tight, neatly lined up, and not wrinkled. Avoid buying Putren whose seeds are perforated and not neatly lined up, because they may have crop defects.

Putren is a vegetable that wilts quickly. Therefore, you should immediately store your Putren in refrigerator after buying it. Storing your Putren in refrigerator can keep your Putren fresh for up to 3 days.

Like other vegetables, you also have to wash your Putren first before processing them. Try to wash your Putren in running water so that dirt that sticks can be carried away with water. If it has been washed clean, then you can cut Putren. To make it prettier, try cutting in an oblique shape with medium thickness so they don't break when processed.

Because it is included in vegetables that are easy to cook, you should add Putren at last stage of cooking. Apart from keeping texture crunchy, this can also keep nutritional content of Putren from reducing too much.

Well, do you also like stir-fries of Putren? That menu is simple, healthy and easy to get.

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Dish, Cooking


Wenak nek di masak capcay utawa sop kang hehehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow I want to taste that Putren sir. It's my favorite. I love eating corn. One of the best snacks for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago