New conference media app

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1 year ago

Communication is a human means of conveying views, ideas, and ideas to everyone with the aim that both parties can understand the message they want to convey. We as humans who socialize find it difficult to transfer messages to others if we don't communicate.

Communicating is not only done through direct conversation, but we can communicate through various things, for example, we are able to communicate using media. In this era, technology is growing more rapidly, we can know this where everyone is able to communicate directly but does not meet physically. So the presence of communication media is able to guide each individual in getting what they want.

Today's communication media is the result of an amazing communication change, because it is able to provide changes in the structure and pattern of the communication process. It is also interesting because this information technology is able to convey a message that can penetrate the boundaries of space and time. Even so, this information technology can also give negative things to some people, because of the ease with which information can be obtained, sometimes it is difficult for humans to distinguish which information is true and which is not true.

This New Media has changed the process of human communication more meaningfully with the presence of more sophisticated information technology. With the presence of new media, the usual media communication process changes from one-way flow to two-flow even to multi-way flow. The presence of new media can mediate communication between human beings in various ways, such as conveying congratulations, giving speeches, and giving suggestions, these messages can be conveyed through new media.

What's more, this mediation is not only to convey the message, but also to amplify the message. The congratulatory message can be done interpersonally through an instant messaging application, then it can be done again in a group chat, and more broadly on the social media timeline.

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The presence of this new media is because it prevents the occurrence of obstacles due to differences in place and time, for example, if a lecturer is facing obstacles to teach directly on campus, the lecturer can provide material through new media platforms such as zoom and goggle meet.

The existence of new media that enters our lives, can make the communication process can take place anytime and anywhere if we want it as long as we have a qualified network.

Before the birth of this new media, information media had an elder, namely print media where the reader had to read one sentence from beginning to end which indicates that print media has linearity or sequentialness, while new media such as Youtube not only have audio but also provide visuals as well as providing control or freedom to users so that they can provide users with activeness in conveying their perspectives through the comment space provided by the platform, because if we have different perspectives when reading print media we cannot convey our perspectives directly.

With the new means of information, we can conclude that the emergence of new media provides new enthusiasm, increasingly developing technology and the emergence of generations that are much newer, and able to digest it better.

The impact of the novelty of this media is that the communication process between individuals is increasingly segmented and runs simultaneously. This is due to the mass audience (mass audience) experiencing fragmentation, where society is no longer homogeneous but has entered into heterogeneous.

Communication processes become more numerous and give new nuances to new media. A great example in the development of this new media is that it becomes the basis for the development of political communication in this multimedia era. Politics is always congruent with democratic freedom, especially in opinion. With this new media, people are able to put their opinions into the existing media. But must still comply with the limits set by the policies of each country.

I think this is a blessing from a pandemic, after our earth was attacked by a pandemic, many internet-based communication media have sprung up to facilitate virtual communication at the same time. This will certainly have a very good impact on our lives in the present and in the future.

$ 0.56
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago


Teknologi saiki makin suwi makin canggih kang. Lebih dimudahkan nek komunikasi

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Seminggu yang lalu saya beserta beberapa guru se jurusan dengan saya dari seluruh kabupaten mengikuti pelatihan tentang jenis jenis google salah satunya google meet, google slides, drive dll. Dan sangat bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes my friend. We can communicate now easily because of the technologies compared to the old generations. Now it's easily to communicate other people with the help of technologies.

$ 0.01
1 year ago