My way of promoting BCH to others

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto, BCH, Promote

We must have seen and heard promotional words every day around us, but maybe there are still many people who don't know clearly what promotion means. So, for my writing this time I will try to express my opinion about definition of promotion.

I choose my motorbike as a promotional medium for BCH

According to Wikipedia Indonesia, definition of promotion is an effort to notify or offer products or services to potential users or consumers with aim of attracting potential consumers to buy or consume them. With promotions, manufacturers or distributors expect an increase in sales and use of products they offer.

People do promotions to achieve a certain goal, based on a summary of various sources I conclude that the purpose of promotion is:

  • To disseminate information on a product to potential customers.

  • To get new customers and to maintain the loyalty of these consumers.

  • To increase sales and profit.

  • To differentiate and excel their products compared to competitors' products.

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In conclusion, main purpose of promotion is that producers or distributors will get an increase in product sales and increase profits. There are many ways people do promotions, different products must also have different methods and promotion media.

That's a little knowledge about promotion. So, how hard have you been promoting BCH? The cryptocurrency that we are using and now price is falling. If I am asked something like that, then my answer is that I have participated in promoting BCH in my own way, I made my BCH sticker. And stick it in stuff I use often.

I put a BCH sticker on back of my motorbike

My biggest hope from doing promotions like this, there will be more people who know BCH, then they are interested in using BCH as their means of payment. Even though it's not effective now, I'm sure that in future there will be good effects from the way I do promotions.

At least they will feel curious when they see BCH sticker attached to my favorite motorcycle, and people will find out about BCH. Because the time I got to know BCH from platform then I will never forget that platform, first platform that changed my view of cryptocurrencies and now BCH is still only cryptocurrency in my online wallet.

I hope I can continue to participate in promoting BCH and make changes to make BCH prices better. Thanks for reading my article untill end!

$ 1.68
$ 1.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Tomi-Ajax
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto, BCH, Promote


I appreciate your effort to promote Bitcoin Cash man, it's illegal here to put stickers in number plates in both bike and cars and stickers in mirrors are not allowed in cars but on the body of bike and car we can apply.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Promotion is one method to retain our existing customers, and to attract new customers, in conclusion, the stronger we promote something, the greater the profit we will get, if we are lazy to promote, our customers will most likely leave the scope our trade.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I want to make BCH stickers too! 🤩

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Just like you BCH is the only crypto in my wallet. Glad you are promoting BCH in your little way. I also do by telling friends about read cash and noise cash

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is morvolus effort by you. When people will see these promotional materials on bike , definitely they will question about it. It starts the awareness.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There are other ways too, I will suggest one that is printed on t-shirts. I rf think that would be more attractive.

$ 0.03
2 years ago