Leaves are the most important part of a plant

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2 years ago
Topics: Plant, Leaves, Knowledge

Surely you already know that every plant must have leaves. This is because leaves are one of the most important parts or organs of plants. Leaves are able to absorb solar energy which is then used as material for photosynthesis. So, leaves greatly affect the survival of plants.

Leaves are one part of plant that grows on twigs or stems and usually grow in strands to thick. Leaves themselves usually have a green color. Why are leaves often green? This is because the leaves contain chlorophyll. However, leaves on some plants are less green or not even green. Leaves that are less or not green are caused by lack of chlorophyll in leaves.

Angsana leaves

Not only that, leaves also function as a place of respiration for plants. Inside leaf there are organs called stomata. Stomata are respiratory organs in plants. So, it can be said that if a plant does not have leaves, then it is likely that it will not last long.

Main function of leaves in plants is site of photosynthesis, but did you know that leaves still have other functions besides photosynthesis? Here are some of functions of leaves that you need to consider.

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As a place to store water and food reserves

Function of leaves other than photosynthesis, first is as a place to store water and food reserves. It is important for us to know function of these leaves so that plants can continue to survive.

In general, plants store their food in the roots, but in some plants food and water reserves are stored in leaves. One of plants whose leaves function as a place to store food is aloe vera. Therefore, when you open or peel aloe vera leaf, it will look like gelatinous flesh or jelly.

As a means of reproduction

As we know that reproduction in plants rarely occurs in leaves. However, in some plants, leaves become a means of reproduction, such as cocor duck plant or kataka-taka (Philippines). Cocor duck usually called "The miracle leaf". In that plant, if quality of leaves is not maintained properly, then it could be that result of breeding cocor duck plant is not good either. So, if you plant and care for this type of plant, you should always pay attention to the quality of leaves.

Taro leaves

As a means of breathing

Where do plants breathe? Plants can breathe through leaves because inside leaves there are organs called stomata. Stomata on leaves can help plants breathe. Similarly, with humans, plants that can't breathe properly will slowly wither and don't even grow anymore.

Maybe there are many more functions of leaves that I don't know about, you can add them in the comments. I only give a few examples according to what I know, and hopefully can add to your insight. Thank you for reading to the end!

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Plant, Leaves, Knowledge


Every parts of plants is very essential and vital, they work For themselves. The roots also plays a vital role in the existence of the plant. Without plants we are no where to be found.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, they have own role, and must work together.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Daun sebagai alat untuk bernafas pada tumbuhan, dimana ketika tumbuhan itu tidak memiliki daun maka tumbuhan itu akan mati, karna tumbuhan tersebut tidak memiliki alat untuk bernafas.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have you seen a cactus? where are the leaves and where are the stems? lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cactus is a plant that does not have stems and leaves, but the cactus body has a lot of water reserves, that's what keeps the cactus alive even though it is in the desert, and maybe the cactus breathes through the thorn gaps on its body, that's what causes The cactus is still alive, even in a hot place, but believe me the roots of the cactus have extraordinary absorption, even though the sand dunes are arid, I'm still under 20 meters away there must be water that can be absorbed by the cactus roots.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Chlorophyll is useful for storing energy, light, and Co2. In photosynthesis, plants have 3 elements, so that photosynthesis runs well, without light photosynthesis will not be perfect, and what we usually see, plants that are not exposed to sunlight have a different level of freshness with plants that are exposed to sunlight every day. , and in many cases plants that are not exposed to sunlight will die, because these plants cannot carry out the process of photosynthesis in plants, plants that cannot carry out photosynthesis are the same as humans without eating rice, will be weak and slowly die by themselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Correct sir, you have lot insight of photosynthesis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you have given a very correct explanation and you have alot of knowledge of sceine and it is a necessary for the life

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Haha, thanks! I just write what on my mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every parts of the plants has its own use and purposes as for me,plants are very much on similarity for us being human,we have a purpose e why we are living in this world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you right, each part has its own role, and must work together in order to be perfect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember learning about this way back in highschool, and since it's science, I already forgot about it. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, so now you can remember that lesson sis. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Leaves are life line for any tree. They are food producing factories.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you right sir. Like kitchen there hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago