Keep emotions from becoming stressed

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1 year ago

When stress is not resolved by oneself, psychologists urge public to immediately seek professional help in order to find a solution, because prolonged stress conditions will definitely have an unfavorable impact.

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Seeking professional help if you feel you are unable to cope with the stress you are experiencing on your own is one of best ways to quickly deal with stress you are experiencing. It is very important for a person to have mental health awareness. Because, people who have a good awareness of mental health will definitely be better able to understand what is happening to them and immediately find solutions.

It is important to have basic ability to manage stress, for example by doing simple relaxation. By trying to do activities and find new hobbies as an effort to manage stress. This will be one solution to relieve the feeling of stress that is being experienced.

To maintain mental health, it is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and fulfill basic needs, namely adequate nutritional intake, adequate rest, and regular exercise. Because with fulfillment of all basic needs it will automatically feel more comfortable and avoid stress.

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Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of sleep, lazy to move, and too often consume unhealthy foods in excess such as alcohol and foods that have potential to cause disease. Can trigger stress because nutritional intake is not met.

After these basic needs are met, we can try to take time to connect with a healthy social environment, either by meeting in person or by communicating remotely using gadgets.

Avoid excessive withdrawal from environment. It is important for us to give space when under stress conditions, but for too long withdrawing from environment will make us fall deeper into stressful conditions.

He also advised not to access gadgets too often. Advances in technology do have an impact on ease of information and entertainment, but too much use of gadgets can affect a person's mental health. Disclosure of information makes people often compare themselves with ideal version of something posted on social media or internet.

The conclusion is, when you feel stressed, you should do positive things or do your best hobby in order to relieve stress so you don't experience prolonged stress. Do not forget to accompany it by providing adequate nutritional intake so that condition of body is maintained when it feels like experiencing symptoms of stress.

Keep your emotions so that when you feel stressed, it doesn't have a negative impact on yourself and the environment around you.

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1 year ago


Yes sir. Everything I felt stress. What I did doing some activities that will divert my mind. I watched some movies or series then listen a music.

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1 year ago