Irrigation of rice fields in my village

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2 years ago

For those of you who live in village, you definitely know about irrigation, which is way water flows that will be used to provide supplies for farmers in fields, in my village majority are rice farmers and really need water when planting season is about to start. With irrigation, water supply for farmers will be easier and more regular.

Primary irrigation at my village

Water has a very important role in agriculture, especially for rice farmers in fields. Rice plants are plants that require a lot of water, especially during growth phase, rice plants must always be waterlogged. In order for rice productivity to be good and effective in terms of land area, sufficient water supply is needed through irrigation.

Because irrigation is very important to support availability of water for rice farmers, water management must be carried out regularly in terms of quantity and quality so as to ensure that rice plants do not experience water shortages which will result in lower production yields.

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Construction of dams and their complementary facilities, networks or channels is aimed at smooth and regular distribution of water to rice fields and can satisfy all parties with an interest in irrigation. Therefore, it is necessary to have good water management which includes all series of activities that are continuously integrated in the irrigation network from the time the extraction activities are continued by regulation, measurement, distribution, provision of safe irrigation water to water users up to level of water users. Farmers in a timely manner so that development of rice plants planted can be guaranteed a water supply.

Distribution of irrigation water is to channel irrigation water to primary, secondary channels in accordance with applicable regulations and or provisions which in their implementation are under supervision of relevant service.

Tertiary irrigation to rice fields

While provision of irrigation water is distribution of irrigation water from main line to tertiary channel in tertiary plots and then providing water to rice fields. At this level role of village officials as technical implementers in terms of regulating irrigation water in rural areas.

Activities to achieve the implementation of maintenance of irrigation networks, distribution and provision of irrigation water within scope of simple technical and semi-technical irrigation circuits which are managed in an integrated manner by officers from irrigation service and village officials. All activities must pay attention to applicable regulations, so irrigation water can be divided and given from source to rice fields of rice farmers properly.

In my village, irrigation is managed by officials from village and local government. They will regulate water supply according to growing season by taking into account the dry and rainy seasons. They will supply water to the rice fields according to the quantity required by farmers, they will also close irrigation canals during rainy season and there is too much water to maintain growth of the rice plants.

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2 years ago


we have farm before and i know how important the irrigation for farmers. are you from the Philippines too?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, I am from Indonesia bro.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The one and only thing which deliberately controls the inflation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't live in village but the way you described the water irrigation system for crops is very informative. Which place you belong to by the way?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, i'm from a village and our whole year's struggle output depends on water supply....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Irigasi adalah tempat penampungan air, jika tidak ada irigasi sawah mereka akan mengering.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wkwkwk tempat distribusi banyu om.wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People who manage irrigation are smart people, because they have to be able to monitor and know when the water rises and when the water recedes, and those who manage it are often blamed by local residents who plant rice, for being late in opening the floodgates, eventually their land is too low in water.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, in my area not like that sir. If planting season, they will open water gate, without noticing the water rising or falling.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Man your irrigation system is far better than what we have here. Very few villages have canals like that and rest just have to get water from river nearby.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But I was surprised, we are the biggest rice producer but my country is still importing rice. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Besides being useful for irrigating rice fields, irrigation is also useful for bathing (ciblonan and keburan) hihi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, I guess you often do that when you was child. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago